Reviews for Don't Speak
Wynnfield chapter 1 . 5/24/2015 word. Angsty D:
Forestwater chapter 1 . 2/3/2015
So sad and beautiful. We need more Naegami in the world.
the-original-catalyst chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
To be honest, I'm not usually into smutty fics, but I loved this one! The plot was amazing, and it fit them really well! You captured their characters well, I think. Plus, I just love Pre-Despair AUs, they're always so fun. x3
I know this doesn't have a lot of feedback, but... this would make a great multi-chapter fic. Just saying. And I would DEFINITELY read it. 8DDDDDDDDDDDD Or some kind of sequel, something. It really can't end this way! Okina Yume is right! ;u;
But I really, really loved this! You should be proud of yourself, this is beautiful. :DDD
Okina Yume chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
What, is that it?! NO! You should continue this! It can't end this way!