Reviews for Mudspell
SubconsciousMind chapter 9 . 4/29
Wow this is a crazy masterpiece! Absolutely brilliant
AncientUrn chapter 9 . 1/30
wow. WOW. This is a legit work of art. Your writing... I can't even... *insert your brand of awesomeness* cuz I cannot write anything with my peasant words.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/16/2019
Very entertaining... and amazing writing!
island.dred.insomniac chapter 9 . 11/26/2018
Whoa. I mean seriously. WHOA! That was amazing. I loved the dark spell. I loved the play on the traditional insult pet name affection. I especially loved the hint of the retribution to poor Ronald BitchAss Weasley. He is an impetuous ass and I can see him deciding to do this to both prove to the world that their relationship was a lie and to prove that he was correct all along. Well done. I also love this Suzy Homemaker version of Narcissa. Just lovely.

The sex was and language used were well done. Well done indeed.

I thank you most profusely for sharing your work on this site. I enjoyed it... in one sitting.. during a payroll week... when I should be sleeping.. three hours ago... very much.

-Island Dred
1korrasamiislife1 chapter 9 . 11/24/2018
Please may I just ask...what was in the dungeons?
Yurihentai641 chapter 9 . 11/5/2018
I've read this story a million times and I just caught on to the fact that they probably kidnapped Ron
LucyGoosey chapter 9 . 7/27/2018
This was hauntingly beautiful. Your writing is so poetic. My fav quote was said—no screamed by Bellatrix: “I FUCKING LOVE YOU!”
Guest chapter 2 . 6/30/2018
Fillet the bitch! I don't know if you know, but that's a regina mills (from once upon a time) quote! Season three episode one! (Sorry, but that made my little Evil Regal heart so happy)
celtbhoy chapter 9 . 7/13/2017
I really enjoyed this story. It was a pleasant change having Hermione be the one with the fits of madness. Ron is a git, but what else is new. And Bella opened her heart and soul up to Hermione! Great story
BlackSwordsWoman chapter 9 . 5/23/2017
I just finished this story and let me tell you: it is definitely one of my favorite Bellmione stories to date.
I absolutely loved the way you explore their relationship and their personalities through the Mud-curse. I think it gave this a certain angst that became so beautiful.
I just loved this. Thank you for putting this story out here.
jumpingninjo chapter 9 . 5/11/2017
wow just wow that was great the ending was hilarious my goodeness i love bella mione so fucking much i love the angst that led to one of the best sex scene i have ever read in my life and i love how bella's personality changed once she let go and cissa's real peronality was another great thing about this fic thank you for such a emotional ride that was crazy i havent cried like that since i read love worth fighting for. good show my friend good show
NightOfMine chapter 9 . 3/9/2017
Dear Greyella,
The first time I ventured in the domain of Bellamione FanFiction I stumbled quite soon upon one of your stories and - of course - wanted to read it at once. Which I did, but, unfortunately, I didn't understand all that was written down. Something which disappointed and frustrated me greatly... I was simply not versed enough in the English language... Still I understood more than enough to know that these stories (at least some of them, for I didn't try them all) are made with the dark vibe I oh so crave. Thus I promised myself to return one day. Meanwhile I never forgot about you, for I had and have lots of admiration for your work. (Thus, you may now understand how giddy I felt when you started to comment on my story? c; )
It has been several years since and as you can see, I kept the promise to myself: I returned. Of which I am so glad.
Your prose is something entirely else. I haven't found it in any other story on this site (now I must say, I didn't search for it a lot... I think because it would otherwise feel like I tried to replace you, which I - obviously - refused).
Anyway, thank you for this. As I said above, I love it - stories and things in general - dark, gloomy and angsty, yet with a touch of sweetness and love. I am not one for an easy love, it simply doesn't pique my interest.
The way you had Bellatrix and Hermione interact with one another... I adored it. Especially the part in which Bellatrix send Hermione out of the manor by screaming abuse, yet with in the last words an contrasting note of how smitten she actually is with the younger witch. Thereby comes how the Black family is not comfortable and quite 'invalid' as to how they have to handle Hermione's open and unhidden friendship and affection...I love it, for these are aspects I always wanted to write about in my FanFics; unfortunately, I haven't come to that point yet.
If I am completely honest with you it was a bit too focussed on sex in the last chapters; I am not as prudish as I once was, but I am not certain I will ever become comfortable reading and writing it. Either way, it was a tad bit too much, even though it was obviously extremely important for the plot. Which was the reason why I didn't skip a single word, in fear of missing something crucial.
However, despite my discomfort I still thought and think this to be a brilliant story! The prose is constant and clear, the characters are well formed, history about their current situation is given without the feeling of it being forced down one's throat. Yes, my admiration for your writing skills will probably never cease.
And - dark as I am - I smiled at the 'retribution' part of one Ronald Weasley.
Thank you for the story. I don't know when I will hop into one of your other Bellamione gems, but I certainly will at some point.
Yours Sincerely,
Guest chapter 9 . 2/2/2017
God. That was delicious and sinful poetry. The whole thing. Perfectly perfect. Delicious. Divine. I'm just so impressed with your story telling. It was beautiful. Thank you.
Ravena Wolfborn chapter 9 . 12/14/2016
wtf did I just read?
SandandSea1 chapter 1 . 12/17/2015
When I first started reading this, I was hesitant. The writing was much more poetic than I was used to. I'm glad that I continued however. I very much enjoyed the flow and distinctiveness of the words chosen to relate everything from feeling and meanings, to well, everything else. The words... I think you've reminded me of why I love words with their complexities and their various attitudes. Thank you. This was a beautiful piece.
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