Reviews for As Long As I Breathe
LoveThemWinchesters chapter 1 . 2/24/2014
I can't believe I forgot to review this! I've been so crazy.

Love this fic! The angst... And, as I mentioned before, I adore how even when Dean is on the brink, he can still give Sam strength. I have no words...

Thank you for writing this. I know it took a while, but it was well worth it :)
3DBABE1999 chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
Wow... Even with everything that was on Dean's plate with his deal coming due and plus what all had just happened Desn had still managed to keep up his sarcastic and cocky demeanor... Only Dean...

poor Sammy.. he was all worried about Dean and trying so hard to be there for him and Dean was just being his stoic badass self who always thinks he's 'fine'... if I were Sam I'd ban Dean from using 'I'm "fine..' for the next fifty years..
Riathe Mai chapter 1 . 2/9/2014
This is just what we need, right now; Sammy saving Dean. Beautiful imagery and wonderful emotion is just the icing on that birthday cake. Kudos, love! Now, let's see... what can I come up with for you next? ;-)