Reviews for The thin line between love and hate
happyreader123 chapter 9 . 8/29
Omg this story was amazing, I find myself rereading it repeatedly. Thank you so much for writing this.
inaaa999 chapter 1 . 7/15
Quelle histoire ! XD
Désolé je review en Français, je ne vais pas prendre le risque de le faire en Anglais parceque tu vas t'arracher les yeux tellement ça sera illisible. Je ne veux pas être la personne qui te rendra myope.

J'ai adoré lire cette histoire, j'ai même pas dormi longtemps la nuit dernière j'avais hâte de connaitre la suite.
Au début je trouvais que Sasuke été vraiment stupide. Il ne disait pas les vrai raison pour sa demande de divorce.. Ensuite j'ai compris, tout le monde se protège comme il peut. Il aurait au moins pu parler a shikamaru mais il ne l'a pas fait.
Sasuke fait toujours les mauvais choix.
Il est cruel, je le comprend un peu même si je ne suis pas d'accord.
moi je ne sais pas comment j'aurai réagit a sa place.
merci de nous avoir éviter des dėtails entre Sasuke et sa horde de chienne en chaleur lol je n'aurai pas supporter. XD
J'ai beaucoup aimé Naruto dans cette histoire. Il a vraiment réagit intelligemment
J'aurai bien aimé voir sasuke galèrer encore un peu avant de retrouvé naruto parceque il a été vraiment dur avec lui d'autant plus qu'il étė inoncent.
Je déteste Sakura mais bizaremment je n'arrive pas a lui en vouloir ici même si tout est de sa faute. Naruto et Sasuke sont des victimes de son plan diabolique lol
J'ai rigolé en lisant la lettre de Sakura. Elle fait trop pitié cette salope haha je ne l'aime pas. Elle ne sert a rien.

J'en veux a Sasuke parcequ'il aurait pu réagir autremment. Il est la personne qui connait le mieux naruto il aurai du lui faire confiance, je sais c'est facile a dire.
Dommage que Yahiko soit en couple avec konan. j'aurai aimé que ça soit plus sérieux avec Naruto pour voir Sasuke en plus jaloux haha
Elentiya517 chapter 9 . 6/26
I don’t know if you read your reviews anymore... Or if you write fics anymore... Or if you care about this random review. I mean, its been at least four years since this site says you’ve updated. I’ve read many of your fics, and now im, well, just binging all your Narutoverse fanfics... I must’ve read HTB at least three times haha. Sometimes i just stay up at night and read your fanfics. Makes me feel better ig. You’re an amazing writer. You’ve affected my writing style, i think, in a good way. I don’t know you, but I look up to you for your writing and humor and ability to capture the darker elements of writing and the characters... Lol ok, I’ll stop, i dont wanna sound creepy XD.
I also read your stuff on AO3 too... Predators is my favorite, besides HTB of course. Im definitely way too young to read your uh, more mature stuff, but i enjoy it nonetheless.
I’m sorry i never reviewed until now... I hope you see this. I didn’t before because i knew i was years late and thought you wouldn’t see any review i posted anyways... But i finally decided to just post one. The reason i did it on this fic is because i haven’t read a fic in a while, and then i started this one, and it completely blew me away. I love these works :) Again... hoping this reaches you.
Thanks for all your writing! And no, im not a stalker lol
Ja ne
Dog unleashes chapter 9 . 5/27
I love it, so much emotion and i really felt it. Such a wonderful story. Take care.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/28
Loved it spool much
Guest chapter 9 . 4/28
Not always the biggest fan of yaoi but this was well written and I could almost feel the emotional roller coaster of it all.
curi1986 chapter 9 . 2/9
no concuerdo con tu historia esa relacion no tenia reparacion la confianza jamas se recupera
Guest chapter 9 . 1/17
I recently got back into reading fan fiction, and I have been binge reading your work.. the way you write is something else.. you should write and publish a book. I know I'd buy it.
GOLDRAGON08 chapter 6 . 1/10
Great story. A follow up story on the Hinata Itachi situation would be fun.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/20/2019
This was such a great story. Usually when you read rated m stories they only want to get to the sex. But this had love, hate, desire, passion, tears and so much more emotion.
Guest chapter 9 . 3/18/2019
It was really nice story ... I like both of the characters Naruto and Sasuke.
HoneySama chapter 9 . 12/4/2018
Honestly one of the best sasunaru fanfics ive plot is great but u make naruto seems to forgiving and should work harder to geg naruto sasuke is such a problematic guy despite thw deserves better!
yukino89 chapter 9 . 11/14/2018
I love this story
karanveer chapter 9 . 9/27/2018
hay i think this story would last longer but will write more
of such stories i like such stories a lot but with lot more chapters
karanveer chapter 8 . 9/26/2018
great job i expect such more creations of yours
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