Reviews for Love Grows: The Wedding
Chemmommy06 chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
I absolutely loved this piece. It is so well written and captures the best way Ryan and Stacy would have ended up together. My wish is for you to somehow continue this story line as their love continues.
The80sNeverDied chapter 1 . 12/31/2016
Cool. A true fanfic fairytale. So rare to find them done this well. Keep rockin. :)
FroofyB chapter 1 . 9/19/2015
Lovely! So sweet! Kind of wished my wedding reception was like that! LOL! Anymore to this story line? Like them becoming parents? HMMMM?
LuxKen27 chapter 1 . 4/28/2014
Oh, this is absolutely beautiful! How did I not see this before?! Well, let me rectify this right now!

What a lovely companion piece/sequel to your longer fic. You have such a great ear for dialogue - I could hear these characters laughing and talking together. I definitely LOLed at the running commentary between Ryan and Stacy as they critiqued their on-stage performances (especially Ryan's "why did nobody tell me how bad a dancer I was?!" LOLOL...). It definitely gave me the warm fuzzies to 'relive' all those performances again. These two! :D The vows were perfect, and that tiny moment after their first married kiss was just beautiful :)

You've given them a lovely start to the rest of their lives together - well done!