Reviews for Close Encounters 14
fanka77 chapter 12 . 1/17/2016
You running out of titles and I'm in the same situation when it comes to words. I would like to say so many thinks about your story but my english grammar is too limited for this. Just so you know, Chez: you doing a hell of a job!
conservativegirl chapter 12 . 3/22/2015
Ooohhh this one was seriously INTENSE! Wow. They're both so wounded and pissed but thank goodness they found the pills. Seriously deep and emotional...great story! I can't wait to read about this venture into the jungle
caffinate-me chapter 12 . 1/4/2015
So this installment was intense. Ugh! My feels. And I read it all in about 3 days! Beckett has 9 lives I swear. I wonder if their future kid will be a super kid like Castle able to learn strike tactics at the tender age of 3.

Anyway, off to start 15- the angst fiend that I am. ;)
MissBeh8ve chapter 12 . 3/24/2014
woaahh! how cool was that? I couldn't stop reading last night, totally overslept today for work. And it was 100% worth it! ;P
I LOVE Mitchell btw, did you took some known character for example or is he 100% of your Imagination?
non chapter 12 . 3/23/2014
I'm ... sad that my marathon is over. I liked that I could finish one story and move straight to the next one. I'm debating whether I wait until the next story is finished before I start that. I hate waiting, at least your updates are quick thank god. And thank you :)))

Oh, and also I was just wondering do you have any idea how many stories it takes to finish this series? I can't wait to see them happy And it *will* be a happy end, won't it? Right? So big mess right now, those cracks in their very foundations...
non chapter 7 . 3/22/2014
The way Kate called Rick through his regimen sleep to open his eyes for a few moments —
non chapter 3 . 3/22/2014
Excuse me - *cough cough* - Beckett really thought that Black wouldn't make new rules? :D
non chapter 1 . 3/21/2014
Voila! I just opened the first chapter. This is it. This is the story why I started with CE in the first place. I found the concept of this story very captivating when reading all the summaries.

I just never would've thought that Beckett herself would go to him.
janinsc chapter 12 . 3/16/2014
Caught up, finally. Great story and very well done.
aussiecate chapter 12 . 3/15/2014
Another incredible installment in this addictive series! The action was so vivid, their hurt and anger equally so and Black just as malevolent as ever, I hated having to stop reading to go to the real world.

Who'd have thought this story would still be going at 15? Eight more to go and a new film is beginning filming in October with no title as of yet so never fear! BTW I reckon you get bonus points for Octupussy!
Arraydesign chapter 12 . 3/10/2014
So is it just me or is that seriously wounded little orange tree their relationship. At least its going to survive... A few undamaged branches...
Arraydesign chapter 10 . 3/10/2014
Wow. This chapter is incredible. Peeling the onion(s) in spite of the tears its going to cause. What layers of realization you've created for them.
Arraydesign chapter 9 . 3/10/2014
Oh yeah...that's the Black we all love to hate...always a step ahead even if you are dragging him along. Love the description of the orange tree courtyard burning...after that excellent description of its beauty a couple of chapters ago...kind of a metaphor for how everything's being destroyed. Seems to be a reflection of how angry Castle is inside.
Arraydesign chapter 6 . 3/9/2014
Beautiful, stark description of the courtyard, the orange tree and Deleware. Yay Kate for realizing she has the power, and such a nice groggy line from Castle
Arraydesign chapter 5 . 3/9/2014
She ha ASN addictive and obsessive personality and can't live without you Castle? Pot, meet kettle! Love the pseudo father and son talk...that's not how I raised you! Nice little lacing of humour!
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