Reviews for Inevitable
srhittson chapter 6 . 1/21/2017
Love the story! Please update again soon. I want to see them talk about their feelings.
Maiden of the Heavens chapter 6 . 1/10/2017
Please update, it's already the new year and I might have just found this story, but I'm in love with it!
Guest chapter 5 . 12/6/2014
Hic i love ur story so much!
Can u please update!
Just Another Angry Feminist chapter 5 . 10/22/2014
I don't know if this story is finished or not, but I desperately need another chapter! It's intense and well written and I LOVE it! It's so genuine and almost real.
Hannah of CTC chapter 5 . 8/31/2014

I literally woke up thinking about this exact chapter. It is HAUNTING me. I completely flipped out when I read those last two paragraphs. GOD THATS SO GOOD. It's literal gold. I just keep reading the ending over and over again until my mental state just can't take it anymore. THANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL GIFT MADE BY JESUS. I just want them to suck it up and BE TOGETHER but I know that it's not that easy.
taylorandhannah chapter 5 . 8/28/2014
Skyler: I only started reading Inevitable recently but I seriously love it! I don't even watch the show! Everytime Taylor tells me that you updated I freak out just as much as she does and read it ASAP! It just makes me iogvbcndhufdnekdvfhundkvojbfihvnkvjihvonskonk. The concept behind it is just so cool and I'm already pretty familiar with M/C because of CTC but seeing them with this relationship is different. I hope they can work it so soooo badly!

Taylor: The way you write astonishes me more and more as each chapter is updated. The way you describe simple things is a skill I want to be able to do as flawlessly as you one day. The line, "But he looks at her like she is a raft in the middle of the ocean, like she is the only thing that can save his broken soul." Is the MOST heartbreaking line in the whole story (so far.) It just shows how beaten down Michael is but how much he still loves Christine despite it all. It's real love and it's so beautifully sad. It's also so horrible that they don't know the other's thoughts (because they don't talk!) You can really see how much they've given up because instead of talking it out and actually trying to fix it, they go straight to sex to "solve" their issues. It's very sad seeing how deep they are in this hole of lust and heartbreak. The awkwardness between them doesn't make is any better. I need more!
Guest chapter 5 . 8/27/2014
wow grear chapter !
ajdiafohau chapter 5 . 8/27/2014
Please update sooon
cotedepablo911 chapter 5 . 8/27/2014
This chapter hurts me in my soul... :'(

But it's still so well written! So I can't hate the pain. Or you. I don't hate you either! Just these two

Still living for your stories, and you update more than I do (which is never)!
ajdiafohau chapter 1 . 7/22/2014
I really like your story we don't know a ton about Christine or Michael but you have put together what I personally think is a surprisingly accurate representation of them you have definitely factored in the times we have seen them in the show along with the traits that they have inherited and the quirks they have picked up from their parents
ross chapter 4 . 7/21/2014
This is good in terms of characterization. I enjoy the progression. You've got a very good grasp on what the characters want, and their conflict on sexual desire versus rational thinking. You've got a nice back and forth going here, and I like it.

What I'm not seeing here, however, is a sense of time and place.

Time is especially important, What's the time progression? (I'm assuming it's a half-hour to an hour, but it's nice to slip it in.) Are they making out for five minutes? Fifteen minutes? How much time has passed between this chapter and the next?

In terms of place, I don't watch "Bones". I have no idea what the lab or the Limbo room looks like. Even if I did, I would demand that you have at least a rough understanding of each new setting the characters are in, and you put that understanding in the story. I like the detail about the blind spots and the cameras, but I have absolutely no idea what the entire setting looks like.

I will say that if you're working from a first-person perspective, you can break this rule in lieu of the person's thought process. But you're working with a present-tense, limited third-person perspective, and that demands a clear understanding of time and place.

That's really all I have to say.

The only other major complaint (which I've stated before) is that you're switching between points-of-view fairly often. It's very, very jarring for me when that happens. You have such a wonderful understanding of how to employ suspense, so I'm reading through this fairly quickly because you're working the conflict marvelously and in a believable sense too. But if you're switching POVs fairly quickly, that takes me out of the story entirely. I'd like for you to keep to one point-of-view from now on, but that's up to you.

I love the suspense and the character development. Keep it up!
taylorandhannah chapter 4 . 7/20/2014
OH MY GOODNESS! This chapter was insane!

It was so nice to see them act like best friends again and recognize that they were going back to their roots. It didn't last long but seeing the teasing and them chasing each other around the Limbo was so sweet!

The transfer into the sexual tension was smooth and I knew it was coming when she hit the wall and was cornered by Michael. I knew something was going to click and it just so happened to click with them at the same time like it should. And the dialogue before the action was so amazing! Still fighting over what the bone was.

I loved the entire "heated" scene, especially their thoughts. Michael pulling back and Christine telling him not to. The way he reacted after getting the clear from Christine actually broke my heart because he loves her and wants her so much but she just thinks he wants her for sex. Just by the way they are so intimate with each other, you can tell they really do (no matter how deep down or shallow those feelings may be) want each other.

I was glad the topic of the cameras was covered because the whole time I was thinking, "someone is going to see them making out on the security cameras what a sight" and then it'd be like when Hodgela was caught having sex in the storage basement or something like that.

Their feelings after they break apart are so aggravating to me because they both made themselves feel like they are the ones doing wrong yet they also feel like the other is doing wrong. It almost seems like they fear each other. It's like Christine really thinks Michael is using her and just wants sex and that's totally heartbreaking because it's not true. And Michael hates himself for making her feel like a slut and his grimace (that Christine thinks is towards her) is actually towards himself. I just hate how Christine sees Michael now.

The beginning was great. When in doubt, always open a chapter with dialogue.
Celebwen Telcontar chapter 3 . 7/15/2014
Awww... they're falling in love. Friends with benefits then more... cute! Please continue!

taylorandhannah chapter 3 . 7/14/2014
Alexa chapter 3 . 7/13/2014
I love your story! I can not wait until you update!
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