Reviews for In disguise
danlocke7 chapter 14 . 1/13/2019
Just got to the end of Chapter 14 and saw that there hasn't been an update on this work in over four years. I hope that you can ind your muse and continue on this very interesting and unique take on Persona 3. Now I'm off to re-read this probably upteen thousand times while hoping or it to continue. Yes, it's that good of a story.
Firms chapter 14 . 9/17/2017
3 years and no update? Please UPDATE soon! I love this story and I really, REALLY want to see how it ends. Please?
jojostars chapter 14 . 7/27/2014
THIS is really good! I LOVE IT! MORE!
The Worldwalker chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
this is a fairly interesting story i cant wait to see what happens to the chairman mainly cause i hate his puns i mean seriously Teddie's Puns are better than his and way im interested in your next chapter seems like it will be really good.
HeavensLuminousArc chapter 14 . 7/13/2014
This sory is getting really interesting. You need more reviews.
I'm re ally enjoying this but you might want to change your summary. It just needs more details: better sumarrymore readers!
Prince Of Snow chapter 14 . 7/11/2014
I can't wait to see how this will end! This is a good chapter, as usual. :)
Darklight of the 0 arcana chapter 13 . 7/3/2014
Nice one jack about minato crying, it look like the end of the world
Prince Of Snow chapter 13 . 7/3/2014
This chapter is pretty good! Can't wait until the next update!
Prince Of Snow chapter 12 . 6/26/2014
This was nice! I'm curious to see how this "Plan B" will turn out. Please update :)
Teal96ko chapter 9 . 5/24/2014
Hades is a rock star?! Apollo too? My! Your incredible! *laugh

That was fun! It's also a good chapter. So, Ken and Yukari will marry the twin or something? hehe, can't wait to see what happened to the twin. I hope Minato and Minako will be okay. :)

Good luck writing the next chapter!
Darklight of the 0 arcana chapter 8 . 5/13/2014
What the hell!? What will happen to the twin!? And mitsuru is out of her mind!? Who would be leading the team then!?

How will the arisato twin escape?
rickyp01 chapter 6 . 3/15/2014
I believe the question is: Are you deaf. not are you dread, dread is an emotion similar to fear and deafness is the incapability to hear.

Another one: Apologise is the correct tense in that sentence. apologies is the plural of the apology he is implying she should give t Ken.

weather is sun VS rain and windstorms, wether means an open option about if something does or does not happen.

I like the little interraction with elizabeth at the end. and i am happy my revieuw gave you a wake up call that you strayed from your original plan. (i never like to make such statements. makes me feel like im one of those fat couch patato american stereotypes telling professional basketballplayers like michael jordan how to basketball. thats literally how i feel about commenting on someones writing in such a way so im happy to know it wasnt recieved as such)

Also: You are doing great, though if you intend the plot to be the length of the game then i must say:Things are going a little bit fast perhaps? I dont mean this in a bad way but if the being gods thing is to be the main plot instead of some cheap gimmick to over-overpower the twins then getting everyone to know it within like 2 weeks in story might take away the suspense from the story. (Not meant negative, think about it, weigh this statement and then throw it out the door)

So far, So good.

Sincerely: The awesomeness that is I, part II (pronounced Aye Aye, like the kids in the spongebob themesong minus the captain)
Guest chapter 5 . 2/20/2014
Ok, im going to say here: With the way its currently writen it would be weird for her not to end up with Ken, with the teasing etc. If you wanted to make it ambigious so you could decide later (what your little end-message suggests) then i would like to say you appear to have been a bit off in this goal, also i get that nyx and erebus dont hang out with the mortals this much but introduce themselves to their childrens friends in a way of suprise kidnapping and then talk about "I like you, ill let you live," and stuff is something that seems either out of character or dumber then dojima leaving nanako alone to interregate his cousin about a note that clames his innocence and threatens those close to him and then both of them not concidering using the nearby tv to show his tv-powers.

Still awesome though, keep it up.

Humbly and sincerely: The awesomeness that is I!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/20/2014
Seeing the buildup Ken is the only logical one. Also i support this ship,
rickyp01 chapter 3 . 2/7/2014
Main reason her song isnt on mp3 should be dark hour right?
For the rest its perfect, though i believe its "caused him to lose his spear"
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