Reviews for Nothing Finer
Guest chapter 14 . 10/8/2018
Do a sequel to this please ! Like them adjusting to the baby etc. I would totally read that!
Guest chapter 14 . 4/29/2018
Would love to read a sequel to this story about everyone adjusting after the baby is born... I could see some serious relationship drama to be had from that!
findingthesunlight chapter 14 . 12/13/2015
Stop. This is not okay. Its too much perfection. THANKYOU FOR THE SERIES ︎
Sarah chapter 14 . 5/28/2015
So I just read all of this fic (and the three preceeding ones) today. The few times I've searched out Boy Meets World fic, I've been a little disappointed. I've been spoiled by the Harry Potter fandom that has so many well-written, novel length stories. I've also never been overly interested in Cory/Shawn because most of what I've read over the years never really made them feel like a couple to me. Most of it usually has the show happen as presented on the surface, and then they get together later...and it always feels forced and never feels real.

But something made me read your fics, anyway, and So glad I did. It's really, really good. I love the way you made your story almost entirely fit into the narrative of the show. I love how realistic and true to the characters this is. I think it's hard to have a fic like this be so true to the characters on the screen because the nature of BMW didn't always give you characters that acted quite like real people, but you managed to be true to reality and to the characters. I cried several times while reading these stories. It's truly one of my the best fics I've ever read. It legitimately felt to me like it could have been an R-rated sequel to Boy Meets World. Thank you so much for writing these stories and sharing them with us.
Silver wolf chapter 14 . 2/16/2015
I read all (I hope I did) of your Cory/Shawn stories!
I loved every single chapter and LovedLoved it!:)
Plz (you don't have to) make more of them C/S stories!
You are amazing AMAZING!;3
Dr.Space-Claw Jr chapter 1 . 10/7/2014
Whenever I read anything about the 2 speaking in the chapter, the way they talk sounds exactly like how the would in season 7 of BMW! It's very much in character!
Emma Frost chapter 14 . 10/1/2014
Hands down the best fanfic I've read in a long time, I enjoyed every second of this series, I do hope you keep writing them.
Ricci chapter 14 . 9/7/2014
Stashed Away chapter 14 . 8/8/2014
I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely adore every single word of this universe you've pulled together. You've done wonders with everyone's characterization, taking what we already knew, and elaborating to perfection. It was the start of a very sad story, that should have ended in misery for both our boys; Cory pretending his way through a white-picket fence life-style that's slowing killing him inside, Shawn, fighting to restore his trust in himself and the world around him, conquering his demons through alcohol, drugs, and sex on one hand and imagination, hope and friendship, on the other.

Happily ever after isn't quite what most people would imagine for either of them, but they finally had enough courage to take the plunge and deal with what's real...together, and that's beautiful.

I really hope this isn't the last we hear of Cory and Shawn from this universe. I wanna see them raising their kids together, and wedding planning (or eloping, I'll take what I can get).

But yeah, I love this, please write more. This is the best of Cory/Shawn that I've seen since oncethrown's stuff, and you know, that's saying something. :)
Esthernight chapter 14 . 8/4/2014
Sorry it took a long time to review this.
I love love love this ending.
I was crying because I honestly thought Cory was going to back Topanga. As a reader I wanted to slap you, but as writer I applauded you. It kept the reader emotional and made the ending better because it wasn't what was expected. And I think it finally showed Shawn not to get in his head too much.
And of course them getting married with the leaves in Vermont is an awesome touch. Only the hurge BMW fans would squealed at it. (yea I actually did squeal very loudly).
Amazing chapter and story! Lovely work.
Cari chapter 14 . 8/4/2014
Thank you so much for this. I hope you write more.
KiKi chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
This was such a great story. This and Two Roads Diverged were both amazing. Never thought I'd say this about a BMW fanfic, but the prose was beautiful. I'd been hoping for a new chapter since the last one and the only disappointment is that it's over, but it ended phenomenally. I hope you'll write more. Thank you so much.
Potterworm chapter 14 . 7/23/2014
Beautiful ending to the story. I'm glad Cory wasn't thinking - even for a moment - to get back together with Topanga, but I thought that was a great story line and interesting to see Shawn struggle with. I also liked how Topanga was sitting with Shawn, completely aware of the fact that she and Cory would be coparenting, not living together, but Shawn was equally unaware of that. It was interesting to read. I absolutely loved this story, and I love the reference to the promise to see the leaves in Vermont.
qmays chapter 13 . 7/16/2014
Please update this story! This has been an awesome read. You should write professionally.
Vanessa chapter 13 . 7/11/2014
This story is brilliant and you are a uniquely talented author. Unlike any other stories I read. I hope to read the next chapter soon.
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