Reviews for Say Something
Tigerlily02 chapter 3 . 6/8/2015
Hello again! Long time no see. I really thought I was finished with this fandom a couple of years ago, but somehow I ended up here once again, and was brought straight back to your brilliant stories. I have so much to catch up on, I can hardly wait! :D

So anyhow. I adore this story so far. Somehow it's everything I've wanted the show to be these last years (though I haven't actually watched it since Emily left the second time). The characters and the interactions between them are simply perfect and completely true to them selves. And let's not forget the plot. It's amazing to see two character who are so obviously right for one another (can I even say that with it sounding too cliché?) trying to work things out and just move on, together, despite everything that's happened to them. Sigh. It all sums up to the fact that you are a wonderful writer, and your stories never fails to be brilliant. So I hope you decide to continue this, because I'd be thrilled to read more!

Take care until next time!
Jas chapter 3 . 12/25/2014
Love this so much! Ive only recently started at hing CM. I watched seven seasons in less than a month. The departure of aemily has made it difficukt to watch season eight and ive only seen fice episodes over 2 weeks... Love that you write fics like this even though you no longer watch. Thank you! I would love this universe to be continues in a fluffy/angsty everyone finds out fic ;)
Hazmatt chapter 3 . 2/20/2014
Wonderful story! I really enjoyed it! I'm glad everything worked out! I'm with you about watching without Emily, I watched the first episode of the next season, the 200, I haven't seen any of the others. It's just not the same. I did really like 200 though, I felt that I could easily follow what was going on without the recent background, and there was lots of Emily and Emily/Hotch moments! Anyway, I really enjoyed reading this story, and sorry about rambling!
HGRHfan35 chapter 3 . 2/16/2014
How horrible of me! Started reading this but was i terupted before I could leave a review. Dang Sis! ;)

***"We all do crazy things when we get in too deep and don't know a way out," Emily said with a shrug. "I slept with a terrorist. Can't get much worse than that."** Well...he was very charismatic with pretty blue eyes ;)

***She could picture herself in each and every room Hotch showed her—in the kitchen making breakfast in pajamas on a Saturday morning with Hotch, waking up next to him in what would someday be their bedroom, watching Jack and a potential family dog chasing each other around the living room.*** Yes yes, I can see it, too!

I liked this little return of you to the CM world. Thank you.
OnceAPrettyCriminalVamp chapter 1 . 2/8/2014
If you don't do a sequel, I will kill you in your sleep... Just joking! But seriously, I want a sequel!
EJ96 chapter 3 . 2/8/2014
Really love this fic :)
renruta chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
I love... This story! Thanks for posting it! It was really good to hear from you again through Hotch and Emily!
whitecrossgirl chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
That was really good I loved it. I haven't seen 200 and I'm doing my best to avoid spoilers for it. This chapter was great, from showing that on both sides Hotch and Beth's relationship wasn't working as well as he and Emily finally starting to sort themselves out, it was realistic and I really enjoyed reading it.
HPforever-after chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
Great job. Very enjoyable and realistic
MindFlow chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
Nicely done splitting w/hurt Beth, you made her a "real-fairplayer" (and Hotch too). I liked your timeline and to sum up - another great chapter! Thanks for the light-hearted flirting at the end. Ehm, no more chapters?
Gerardfan chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
Definitely enjoyed it . Hope this means that you're going to continue writing here, even though you probably are still writing for Amazon's ebooks.
HGRHfan35 chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
**"I'm sorry," Emily groaned, dragging her hands through her hair and pulling the curls apart. "I've made up this conversation in my head so many times but never actually planned on having it, and certainly never planned on it going like this."***
Am so glad I'm not the only one who does that ;)

So she laid her heart bare...but he rejects her. Or so it seems...
Sam 'Dimples' Swarek chapter 3 . 2/6/2014
Wow I loved this .their banter at the end was great
HPforever-after chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
Good job. I loved their kiss on the couch
HPforever-after chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Good Job. I've was going to wait until after the 200th to read this but after what you said about the ep on twitter I thought I'd rather enjoy an HP moment before getting disappointed and I don't know when I'll get to watch the ep but I can read this at work :)
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