Reviews for Rooftops
Guest chapter 2 . 7/31/2015
I'm confused that in the 2nd chapter Kushina said "nice to meet you" to hinata when she rushed in to see her sister. But according to the recent chapters, Kushina has apparently known hinata for a while now? Just wanted to point that out
Ayrmed chapter 5 . 7/30/2015
Intense chapter. Can't wait for the next chapter to come out!
MYK-ON chapter 4 . 7/10/2015
Love this story!
Young guns chapter 3 . 3/6/2014
Please continue :)
YungHime chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
No my Hyuga babies! Neji will make an appearance soon! Awh KonoNabi. Dang, she told him.
Ayrmed chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
A sad chapter but there seems to be something inherently positive in it.
kika04 chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
Awww what that was short :-\ but good
Rose Tiger chapter 3 . 2/17/2014
Poor Hanabi. Keep going.
spxt chapter 2 . 2/7/2014
*thumbs up* good work. Keep going. This story has potential!
kika04 chapter 2 . 2/6/2014
Aww poor naruto, this is good
Ayrmed chapter 2 . 2/5/2014
Sounds like it could be a really good story
YungHime chapter 2 . 2/3/2014
Oh my, I can see them both helping each other cope with their respective situations. This is going to be good. Then the "I just met her last night" part made me laugh because I could just imagine Kushina's face and then him getting all embarrassed.
Rose Tiger chapter 2 . 2/2/2014
Keep it up!
Glorious-Break chapter 2 . 2/2/2014
Hope her sister will be ok. Seems like Naruto's starting to fall for her. Keep it up. :-)
YungHime chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
And so it begins. This seems like it'll be good. Can't wait for more
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