Reviews for Naruto Haiku
Guest chapter 42 . 9/20/2015
It will be nice to have some about team hebi
A Purple chapter 7 . 2/1/2015
Jiraiya will not
ever be forgotten here
as long as we live

I felt it was appropriate
Ferm chapter 1 . 8/1/2014
inactive126790 chapter 49 . 6/25/2014
This was beautiful, moving, inspiring, breathe taking, the prime example of natural talent. To tell a story in short length with poems, is something I can not do. Every word was on key for the characters. Absolutely wonderfully done.
onlytoask chapter 49 . 6/25/2014
Some of these were actually pretty hard hitting.
Guest chapter 49 . 5/12/2014
These are really well-written! Love how they range from funny to sad to dark to snarky (Tenten's first haiku love!). Fabulous :D
Mirae Desciderium chapter 15 . 4/12/2014
This one is funny :)
TintaBranca chapter 49 . 4/7/2014
And of course, it's the Three-Tails' turn.

The syllables for the first poem are correct on the first and third lines, but not on the second.


The first line tells us what he is, and a little bit of detail on the appearance, whilst the second line tells us of his title/status. The third line does both of the above, making this poem neat and wrapped up nicely.

The second poem's syllables are perfect, and I absolutely loved the way you phrased it, making it all fir together very nicely and sound awesome simultaneously. I love how this contrasts with the previous poem, great job! The first line tells us how he speaks, while the second line adds a good flow to the poem. The third line goes into a small detail on his personaliy, which gives the reader a clearer view of the character.

All in all, these poems were awesome, and I can't wait for you to carry on. Oh, and before I forget:

100th REVIEW!
TintaBranca chapter 48 . 4/7/2014
I'll admit that I know practically nothing about this character, apart from him being the Fourth Mizukage and the Three-Tails Jinchuriki.

The first poem's syllables are perfect, though I only understand a tiny bit of it. I'm guessing that he had a sad past, and he became a Kage after he was Jinchuriki, but I don't know what the last line means. I can guess that it means that he only had blood to show that he was either a Jinchuriki or a Kage, or even both. Or, it could mean that the blood shows the transition, but I honestly have no idea whatsoever.

I can infer quite a lot from the second poem, but I could be wrong. And before I forget, the syllables for this one are perfect, yay! After reading this poem a few times, I sort of came up with my own interpretation of it as a whole:

He killed a lot of people, but he was also a victim. (Of what, I don't know. The Three-Tails, maybe?) The hand he had slain so many with, even if it was attatched to him, was not his own. Metaphorically, of course.

I really enjoyed trying to figure out what the poems meant, and I have a feeling that I don't know the next one's character either...
TintaBranca chapter 47 . 4/7/2014
Yay! It's the fiery blue cat of doom! Ahem...

The syllables are almost fine, apart from the second line, where you put eight:


The first line introduces this character, while the second one tells you more about its appearance and personality. And the last line is a referrence to the flames sported by the Two-Tails. Actually, I just made a connection between the Beast and Yugito. Yugito's surname is Nii, like the number '2.' (Two-Tails). I'm sorry if this has already been pointed out and all that, but I'm not even at Shippuden yet. :/

Anyway, keep up the poems!
TintaBranca chapter 46 . 4/7/2014
Oh-no... I hardly know a thing about this character, but I do know that she is the Two-Tails Jinchuriki. Ok, I'll give this a go.

The first poem's syllables are fine, and I can infer a few things from the poem. I admittedly have no idea what the first line means, but it gives me the image of her being sent somewhere as a sacrifice by her village. Matatabi is the Two-Tailed beast, though I don't know whether or not they interact well with eachother, though this line seems to hint that they do. The last line is a little bit of description on her appearance and personality, and a small lament for her short time on-screen.

Ok, for the second poem, the syllables are perfect, though I don't know hardly a thing about what these lines are talking about. The first one may be about her surname, and why it is 'Nii,' but I honestly have no clue. The last two lines I am guessing are talking about something that happened to the character, but I don't know what, unfortunately. I can guess that something to do with greed has ensured that we will never learn the truth about her surname. I think.

Overall, some great poems, even if I didn't understand what they were talking about. (I haven't watched too far into the series...)
TintaBranca chapter 45 . 4/7/2014
So sorry about lateness, I'll get to reviewing these right away:

For the first poem, the syllables are perfect, though not much punctuation was used. Once again, you have successfully managed to put the character's status/title in just one line, awesome! The second line hints strongly to the fact that it is only the Ichibi (One-tail). I also love how you phrased the last line, referring to how he made Gaara go pretty much insane.

The second poem's syllables are also perfect, and you used more punctuation in it too. I'm not too sure about the first line, but is it about the fact that Gaara's mum did that whole sand thing to Gaara and had it described as a "mother protecting her son?" I think that the second line is about how he speaks, especially (to me) in his first appearance. And the last line, well that's just his height, right?

The only reason I make such a fuss about punctuation is that it helps the poem to flow, so I'm sorry if it gets annoying at times. Anyway, keep up the great work! (While I go and review some more of your stuff later).
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 49 . 4/6/2014
Nature then personality.

Nice work!
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 48 . 4/4/2014
Yagura was made into a monster, certainly, but the blood still stains his hands.

Once again, good job on capturing the essence of his character. You have an uncanny ability when it comes to that.
Duesal Bladesinger chapter 47 . 4/3/2014
Yeah, we know next to nothing about Matatabi. :P

Good job on these last two poems.
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