Reviews for Time And Relative Mischief in Space
Delta prime2 chapter 19 . 7/3
If you ever do write a sequel (please do!) the two of them should do their own ‘Get Help’ bit.
EllaWaterfall2 chapter 19 . 6/15
OMG, that's why Thor was so sure that Loki wasn't dead during those four days! And for a moment, I thought that Doctor didn't remember him but then I realised that they were just messing around.
I would love to read about your version of how IW/Endgame would happen if Doctor were there with that version of Loki! I haven't been on Fanfiction for a while so I still didn't check your account to see if there's something new but imma do that soon enough.
Love ya!
redstarsarc chapter 19 . 6/11
This story was one wild ride and that was a very satisfying ending. I love how Loki got to talk to Thor at the end, it was such a touching scene! And that final image, the Doctor and Loki in the Tardis about to go off into the universe was absolute perfection. If you do decide to write a sequel, I am 1000% here for it XD
Awdures chapter 19 . 6/7
That was galloping good fun!
Ares1418 chapter 19 . 6/6
Good story, good writing well made character and an ending who's almost perfect.
Snafflefang chapter 19 . 6/4
Wow. Sorry I haven’t had a chance to review recently: there’s been some crazy stuff going on (as I’m sure we all know) but I checked back on this fic, hoping for an update, AND U FINISHED IT! It’s so good ahhh! I honestly never thought I’d see such a good marvel/doctor who crossover with Loki in it, and I’m so glad I found this one. Also, I think I’ve said this before, but your characterization of ten and Loki are great, and I liked the earlier references of Thor knowing Loki was alive and how that was explained. Anyway! It was great, and if you do decide to write a sequel I will definitely read it :) stay safe and thank you for this wild ride!
Dracomancer1 chapter 19 . 5/27
Se-quel! Se-quel! Se-quel! Se-quel! The world needs more of this!
The General Gist chapter 19 . 5/26
That was brilliant!
Bastlase chapter 19 . 5/26
Not going to lie, I loved the story. I'd definitely read more if you did make it a series, with Loki and the Doctor, there's bound to be loads of insane adventures ahead! Here's to hope that this becomes a series!
Cellis chapter 19 . 5/26
NO! I can't believe it's over. Thank you for the ride. These are two of my favorite characters and you have done their complexity justice. Please do consider a further excursion or two.
Estel Caprice chapter 19 . 5/26
Cashagon chapter 19 . 5/26
Lol, Loki jumping off the bridge again just to mess with his brother is hilarious! XD

This has been an interesting story from start to finish. If you do decide to write a sequel, I'd love to read it. However, I would understand if you decided not to. If that ends up the case, then my imagination will have to just run wild and do the job it's self. Cash is out. Peace!
101Asa chapter 19 . 5/26
Can't wait to see the next!
Missing chapter 19 . 5/25
This was excellent from beginning to end so thank-you for finishing it.
I am wish you well for your other stories.
Good-bye it have been a joy reading this story.
whogurl225 chapter 19 . 5/25
I was honesty so excited when I got a notification that the final chapter was up. This has to be one of my favorite Doctor Who crossovers I’ve read. Your characterization was great and you wrote a really fantastic plot that kept me intrigued all the way through. Also, I thought your dialogue was on point.
Thank you for writing this and I hope that you do write a sequel! :)
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