Reviews for Feitan & Brown
RedVoid chapter 1 . 7/17/2014
I really enjoyed this piece. I love reading about the darkest parts of characters' personalities and I think you nailed Feitan's very well. ;)

KiraKiraBluemoon chapter 1 . 2/7/2014
Ahahaha. Weekend is here! I finally have time to read! Nice chapter about Feitan, it gives me more insight about his way of thinking. And Feitan didn't get you right? Still alive? I hope so, cuz I love this fic. XD keep up the great work!
Lycornia chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
short, true but still got some interest... but I found something really more interesting... feitana? i need to go look for that fiction ! ahahah, ah little feitan too fast for you Ria ? try to stay alive if you still have idea for good fanfiction ! even if you found them ''short and crappy'' !
indraniFOREVER chapter 1 . 1/28/2014
well that was cool. Although i am recently into S&M fics (mostly because of Hisoka) but i am still not immune against the gore, but i enjoyed it nonetheless.
My dear Feitan, u should go and watch Kill Bill. There is so much blood that even Edward Cullen cannot restrain himself. And the tortures... Two words... Dear God. Amen!
Top Secret Magician chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Bloodtastic. Really got Feitan hooked, huh? Lol "...or at least Feitan had aleays thought so"? Being a torturer and a Spider suiting Feitan perfectly is a FACT. :)
FloralLover chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
I've just goggled Trevor Brown and I have to say his works are so grusomely realistic that its beautiful, but albeit not in the way that most people would prefer... :)

Good job on imagining how Feitan got hooked onto torture and art gore...
SpadePirates4Eva chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Hahaha oh FeitanXD
I'm curious about this Trevor Brown now...
Razorblade Mistress chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Haha thanks for making this. Do you suppose he *really* enjoys himself to Trevor Brown's works? ;)
L.K.O chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Ne ne Ria-chan. Make the other Phantom Troupe members that are guys have girl nicknames too! And it wasn't crappy ya know. I had fun reading zis! :D And no way in hell am I lettin' him kill you. I'll hunt him down and sit on him so you have more time to run away :)
aaaaaaaaaa44 chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
Yay! This was so awesome! Is it weird for me to think that Feitan is adorable? (cause he is) I didn't think it was crappy, I enjoyed it a lot! Keep up the good work Ria-san!
xBungeeGumx chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
I am very tempted to read Trevor Brown now, though I have a feeling that it will disturb me greatly.
This is amazing, as always. :D