Reviews for His World Was Empty
storyweaver60 chapter 3 . 8/19/2014
Nicely done. You turned a lot of good phrases in this one!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/18/2014
I enjoyed the first couple of chapters of this story, but I agree that the last one fell a bit flat.
The Delirium Threemen chapter 3 . 7/14/2014
I'm glad your muse decided to add more to this story. Wonderfully done!
FlaFan chapter 3 . 7/12/2014
Great twists and turns in this story!
Piscean6724 chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
So glad you updated! What a wonderful ending. Your descriptions are so vivid, they amaze me. Way to go!
AlexaMarquisa chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
Beautiful word descriptions in this story. Makes the tale come alive, evoking images, scents, sounds, and sensations and feelings. You are a very talented writer. Thanks for sharing your talent!
Shirley Jean chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
Wonderful story - well done! I could feel every emotion of Roy and Jo - I was even angry with Jo's mother!
Ginger S chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
:) :) :) :) :) :) that's all just plain smiling! :) (Oh and happy to have read such a well written ditty.)
Jennaya chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
Beautiful and I'm glad your muse agreed this does need more.
Bamboozlepig chapter 3 . 7/10/2014
Overall I liked this story...loved the detailed descriptions, loved the emotions packed into it, loved the insight into Roy's character. I was glad he got his hearing back and made a full recovery from his injuries. But I've got to be honest, this chapter felt really rushed and I came away from it disappointed because it just seemed a bit of a bland anti-climax to the emotional build-up of the preceding chapters. The character insight, not to mention the lyrical descriptive narrative that made the past two chapters such a treat to read just wasn't here in this chapter. I expected Roy to have a stronger reaction to getting his hearing back and I expected his family and friends to be the same way, but it just wasn't there, it was rather on the flat side. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be mean or anything and I hope what I've said hasn't upset you because I adored this story otherwise, just not particularly this chapter.
Var Devonshire chapter 3 . 7/10/2014
Awe, what a sweet ending! No more need be said. :) Var
DifferentOctave chapter 1 . 2/21/2014
Oh dear...another cliffhanger!
Bamboozlepig chapter 2 . 2/15/2014
I'm so happy you decided to continue this! Great update, I love Jo's character in this!
Kimberleah chapter 2 . 2/15/2014
Keep up the good writing!
kathey'ssis chapter 2 . 2/15/2014
i'm glad you're continuing with this story i felt there was more to it.
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