Reviews for Playing With Fire
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2015
please continue with suder and kes
aby-wan kanaby chapter 1 . 3/31/2015
I know how u feel. Luv those eyes.
Luv 'm.
murphycat chapter 1 . 1/27/2014
I am fascinated to see what the two of them might come to do.
scifiromance chapter 1 . 1/26/2014
Lol, that ending! Kes certainly is...curious, even pragmatic! Now this could've been a plotline that would've finally made Kes interesting, their were always the elements of an interesting character, but she ended up being just, blah I guess. So she's my least favourite character by far, but this story used her so much better than canon, and Suder too. He IS creepy, but creepy is good for stories. Tuvok was great too! :)

As for your PM, obviously neither of us noticed that cool metaphor in 'The Silver Bird', but let's just say your subconscious came up with it, it's a clever image even if it was a fluke, and you can consciously use it now. :)
