Reviews for To Love Another Person
TolkienScholar chapter 1 . 9/28/2015
Wow. This was really unusual, and I mean that in a very good way. Amazing how good writing can make you appreciate a ship you don't... ship. ;) Poor Viktor, he thinks in such traditional terms, of himself as the strong athlete who ought to be able to get the girl, and she as delicate and beautiful and fitting perfectly with him just because of her shape. She and Bill have something much deeper, and yet Krum really is to be pitied. First he loved Hermione, but, as he recognized, it wasn't really him she wanted. Then he loved Fleur, and though she was aware of it, she loved someone else. And he doesn't understand why he keeps being rejected. It's so sad. I'm glad Fleur was gentle and didn't brush him off, though. The reference to the ring was a good gentle reminder that wasn't accusatory.

The second person POV was a really neat touch. You're right, it can be very hard to get right, but it generally sounded very natural. It's quite impressive; good work! :)

I caught one typo: "(if you could, you wouldn't be feeling thats way)." An extra "s" crept in there somehow. ;)

Excellent writing. I really felt the emotion here.
otakunerd247 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
Aw, I liked this a lot! I always thought it was Viktor that liked Fleur in Goblet of Fire! You write brilliantly! Honestly I love how many different pairings you write about in the HP fandom, some that I've never even thought of before! Keep up the awesome stuff! :D
percychased chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
I think this is a great interpretation of unrequited love on Viktor's part. I especially liked how he compares himself to Bill (and how he seems to think more of himself but still wonders why he can't get the girl). I like him refusing to believe it was pity she was giving him - also, I like the emphasis on how she doesn't return his feelings.

Very angsty, and very well done, as usual. Good job!
ProfessorSquirrell chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
Aww this is a cool pairing. I think second person worked for Viktor. It kind of makes the unrequitedness that much more painful. I also like what you did with his character. How he's aware of just how good he's got it, being a Quidditch player and all and that he's a little bitter that he can't get the one girl he wants. His jealousy makes sense but it's not over the top and that makes it so relatable.
I never gave much thought to the fact that he was at her wedding. It does seem to suggest that they were close-ish.
Acknowledging Hermione really worked too and satisfied my need to make this could-be canon. I like how perceptive he is. He always seemed very quiet and observant and that really comes through here. :)
Nice job, Ash.
Moon Lantern chapter 1 . 1/25/2014
I thought that this would be a Les Miserables crossover! But you've written this well, I never saw it coming. I would have hoped that there's a touch of optimism at the end when he meets someone else or there's a flashforward where he does at the end, but it was fine.
Lara1221 chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
I tend to stay away from unrequited love, because it makes me very sad. I generally choose to ignore the fact that it exists in the universe; I'm sure that will be much harder if I ever fall hard for a boy dating someone else. I really like this, though, even though Bill and Fleur is one of my favorite couples. Love the romione undertones, haha. Viktor's thoughts. And the beautiful imagery of the chapter was fantastic. Second person was great too.