Reviews for The Storm Inside
KenzoFan chapter 15 . 3/4/2016
I love this story so much! Thank you for writing it
Kaitlyn chapter 9 . 11/2/2015
I thought that it was just me who would find themselves daydreaming about their crush. Now, its not like in this chapter but with other things/settings. XD great story so far. I like it!
Nyx94 chapter 10 . 11/1/2015
I love the way you added the duck song into this, really cute and funny!
NopeNotTelling chapter 5 . 9/26/2015
Aaaaah, somewhere at the intersection of admiration and jealousy I stand, in glorious awe of this astoundingly wonderful fic! I am having SO much fun reading this!
NopeNotTelling chapter 1 . 9/26/2015
Beautifully written. So wonderful-you're incredibly talented as a writer! :D
ziyiSunnie chapter 1 . 9/7/2015
Hi, I love this story. I'm a student in China, can I translate it into Chinese? My friends and I all love jelsa. Can you give me the permission?
DALucifer13 chapter 15 . 7/23/2015
The last one was really funny
DALucifer13 chapter 14 . 7/23/2015
Ending is a little too rushed,
Slow wedding then rusher rest of life,
Aswell as then BOTH keeping their memories...
Other than that nice story
A big jelsa fan chapter 15 . 7/4/2015
Wow that was great! I really loved reading it! And the bloopers were very entertaining
Ice Wish chapter 7 . 6/18/2015
This is a great story. I can't find that many good Frozen stories without the writers making the characters act weird and this is why I love this story: You're able to keep every character acting with the same personalities plus acing it in a crossover. Now this i what I call a piece of pure genius. :)
Guest chapter 15 . 6/5/2015
LOL the bloopers were so funny! :P
tiffywiffyfluffykitty chapter 15 . 6/2/2015
this entire fic was completely sweet. like, sweet enough to give me cavities lol and I LOVED the "bloopers". freaking hilarious!
Georgio chapter 15 . 4/4/2015
I laughed at every single one of them...
kel chapter 15 . 3/16/2015
love the bloopers - didnt make me laugh but did get a few chuckles and snorts
genevapmessenger chapter 1 . 2/8/2015
this is the best jelsa chapter ive ever read. not only is the story itself the best, but, for the "first time in forever," there are no grammar mistakes. none. (the only reason im not using capitalization, punctuation, etc. right is bc my parents r right here n this comp could b taken away any second)
basically: quit writing fanfics last- quit school/work/whatever first please! (lol)
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