Reviews for The Story of Erin
MadameMorty chapter 1 . 12/12/2012
I'm kinda creeped out, but in a good way, because my name's Erin and my best guy friend/crushes name is Alec... Coincidence? I think not! :)
HYPERLITE.HO chapter 45 . 8/27/2006
k yet another random review I know, but funniest thing just happened. I finished this chapter and walked into the living room to see Alec's face on the TV screen. Apparently my DVR automatically changed the channel to record DA and there he was *sigh* that was awesome... I'll read more tomorrow morning seeing as its 12:20 am here lol.
HYPERLITE.HO chapter 8 . 8/25/2006
I am reading this story for the first time, so I just had to stop and say that I can't stop laughing at the fact that you used the name Ernie McMillan in this story. nice. I read it and immediately thought, "wait, isn't he from Harry Potter?" lol I'm off to read more!
sadi chapter 55 . 3/31/2006
It's wonderful you have finished this story.I did not know you have updated before , chapter 53 was the last one for me so i have been delighted when i 've discovered the final chapters!I re read the whole story of course and it's been a ending is great,nothing is certain , i am dying to know the following! Alec and Erin must be back please please. Their couple is the reason why i love your story so much , you have built a relationship so special, moving...I just love them. The only tiny problem is how your Logan acts at least to me.I am not a fan of this character believe me! Alec is wonderful and so much more complex, charismatic, deep ( the list goes on!)but in your story Logan is way too mean , can Max ever has fallen in love with him?It is the only point where i can't follow you because otherwise reading your story gives so much pleasure and satisfaction. Erin is great( i love her past so dark but so well described not entirely which is really effective), i love the mistery about who she is! Max , Alec and Zack are so well written (Joshua , Mole too)don't change anything. So i am going to discover the sequel , thank you so much for writing it , this is a fantastic story which deserves one. Thank you again for ending this one!Good luck for the sequel Sadi
curlytopkristi chapter 56 . 8/11/2005
love it please start on sequal and have it up soon
MoonAngel23 chapter 56 . 8/5/2005
So When is the Wisdom of war going to be up?

Cause I have been waiting for it.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Please Post it soon!

I beg of you

This is the best story I've ever read!
Val chapter 56 . 7/8/2005
I hope you won't be upset that I say I almost skipped reading your fic because I saw the length and I read a line about "a girl getting sucked into the Dark Angel world..." OMG though I am so glad I didn't skip it! I swear, honestly, it was the best DA fic I've ever read! Please tell me that you weren't so relieved about finally getting part one done that you decided to not chapter-ize the parts of the sequels that you already thought out? I think that I will go into withdrawal if I don't read part of the second part soon! I just came across The Story of Erin a few days ago in a DA fanfic search, and finished it in 2 sittings, otherwise I woulda been following it along until the bitter end! Please let me know if anything's gonna happen with this fic! Thanks!
isis chapter 56 . 4/18/2005
the review was great and can't wait for update.
goldstranger chapter 56 . 4/17/2005
*dance's around laptop* Teasers! bits and pieces! I so hope its up soon!
goldstranger chapter 55 . 4/14/2005
You evil person you I fainlyl get a chance to sit own and what happeneds... a great kick ass chapter but a semi sad ending. I will be snooping and huting for more you know that right? lol. I even went so far as to read the little internal monolouge out loud, lol. My sister thought I was nuts, but its all good!
Savanna06 chapter 1 . 3/13/2005
i loved this story and i cant wait for the sequal...but if you would work on your original fic, i would love that too! hint hint...
Moonlight19 chapter 55 . 3/11/2005
I can't believe you Emma ! Please tell me we won't have to wait too long for the sequel !1 I almost got a heart attack when Erin jumped off the Space Needle!*shudders* Couldn't have Alec just recognized her, scared that he lost her...and and and arg! Gosh, girl, I always loved this story , you know that and now I can't wait for the sequel! I want to see Alec and Erin together again, working out their probs and especially him helping her ! I mean I wanna know how he feels when he gets to know that she didn't want to live anymore , that he almost lost her for good ! Thank you very much for this story , I will be going to print that some time cause I really need to have that at home ;) *hugs*
isis chapter 55 . 3/8/2005
so erin tryed to kill herslif. i'm glad she didin't though please up date later
a reader chapter 54 . 2/25/2005
Yay! Great job! Poor Alec. Poor Erin. It's too bad that everyone's scared of her. I liked how Max tried to understand her though. Seems like she's the only one on Erin's side though. I like your Max. Congrats on you nearly finishing the story! Good luck with the last chapter and your sequels!
cat x5-989 chapter 54 . 2/25/2005
wow! i thought that everyone was going to be dead but you fooled us. is erin and alec going to talk in the next chapter too? and i hope that they are still together too.
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