Reviews for Darkest Daylight
Buffybot chapter 2 . 11/3/2018
I fucking ADORE Sarah so far.
All I gotta day for now- I’ll get back to it in later chapters.
SimoneCc chapter 23 . 5/16/2018
OMG this hasn't been updated in four years :-O PLEASE continue with the story

P.S. I want a Ben :-(
SmallLittleCagedBird chapter 23 . 2/5/2018
lotty-x chapter 23 . 10/19/2017
Love love love this story! I love Ben, Felix and Sarah’s dynamic and I love that Pan is evil and has not been changed by love aha! Can’t wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 23 . 9/20/2017
oh my god. Best Peter Pan story ever. I know it's been years but please dear god update I need an ending :((
Lisamalvina chapter 23 . 7/16/2017
I really loved this! Thanks for writing this (even though it's a bit of a cliffhanger)
Janie chapter 23 . 7/11/2017
I hope you're happy with yourself, your story had kept me up all night LOL I really hope you don't end it there, what happens with Sarah, does she end up staying or does she leave, will Andrew ever smile, the plot thickens... Please continue with the story.
Amelia chapter 23 . 5/11/2017

I love this fic and I need to know what happens with Sarah, Pan, Ben and Feli writing, felt as it I was reading a proper book

Please update soon x
TwinPeaksLabyrinthVamp chapter 2 . 4/10/2017
Just thought I'd let you know that I LOVE YOU FOR WRITING THIS!
earldom chapter 23 . 4/9/2017
Omg please update this i'm absolutely hooked and it's the highest form of torture to leave a good story unfinished!
Pengonymous chapter 23 . 2/22/2017
Phew what do I say about this fic...I spent an all nighter reading and stifling my laughter. I knew I would love her personality right as she said "yes" in the first chapter, and her inner monologues are the best. I think you capture Peters personality perfectly, and I love love love her interaction other characters. Usually I hate when the mc interacts with other ocs cause I just never find oc personalities to be interesting or original (especially in Pan fics) they're always like "I need to protect mc cause I secretly love her and I'm a super nice guy and I would risk erythin for her cause, idk, luv conquers all?" spiel but with Ben it's like "I care but I don't want to get killed sooooo" he says as he proceeds to hide away whenever Mc gets in trouble.

I think what would be interesting for this fic is if another girl was to be brought to it, ya know, to stir the pot of angst and doubt. Especially since mc keeps using the shield of "I'm the only girl, and he wants my bod, so ha suckers!" Especially if said new girl is a very attractive elegant almost Mary Sueish, with a developing crush on Pan. The shit would go doooown, especially with mc's personality. But it's understandable if you don't want some cliche love triangle, just an idea though.

Overall, great characters, great plot, great humour, great writing. Keep up the good work, I'm sure to reread this fic multiple times cause I love it so much!
Guest chapter 23 . 1/18/2017
I'm in love with this fic, I could visualize it very clearly like I was actually there. Can you please continue with the story,would love to read what happens with Sarah & Pan, and of course Felix and Ben. :D Pretty please with two cherries on top ;)
Funfunfun151515 chapter 23 . 1/8/2017
Angel-Mamma chapter 23 . 12/19/2016
I hope there will be an update soon. I'm loving this story!
SamWinchester23 chapter 23 . 8/10/2016
Please for the love of all good things in this world continue the story. This has to be the best story I have ever read...ever. You are truly an amazing writer! PLEASE UPDATE!
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