Reviews for You're mine, Hinata-chan
Guest chapter 1 . 10/19/2018
And they all loved happily ever after... THE END!
my 2 guys chapter 1 . 6/14/2018
that was good keep the chapters coming
hokagenaruto511 chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
it was good story.i hope it was long enough so, i can enjoy it more.
TeresaLynne chapter 1 . 10/12/2015
I bet the fleeing suitors looked like a stampede leaving the Hyuuga's home before the apocalypse started. And that one would be suitor got his brains from his mother, not his father... he was smart enough to get out of Naruto's way before he ended up at ground zero. Many thanks for posting this! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Nice! I love it!
magicofantasy chapter 1 . 1/30/2015
The final part made me laugh so much
creativesm75 chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
cool. funny and nice
Iconic Bubbles chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
That is this best story
HandheldIbanez chapter 1 . 5/4/2014
It's a rough work of art, but it is still art after all.
If you smoothed out the mistakes it would be even better.
Any story where Naruto realizes his love for Hinata is a good story:D
Keep writing stories like this and you'll do fine.
Harun KAYA chapter 1 . 3/30/2014
I have really liked what you have write and it could be turn in to a series where you finished my idea is
after they departing Jiraya turns naruto and telss him "Naruto you should tell your hime the reason why we are departing for train" sudennly Jiraya turn in gave a look to Hinata between sad and sorrow leaving a confused Hinata behind Jiraya resumed walking and then Naruto begans to speak with Hinata the fact is Akatsuki hunting down him and he needs get stronger for protecting himself and the all precious peoples for him by hearing Narutos stroy Hinata try to not give in her tears because her love needs him the most right now holding Narutos arm Hinata turns Naruto and says "No matter what i will never lose you Naruto i will protect you i will always be there for you." her voice only hold love nothing but a pure love. Naruto turns to his bride with full of joy he has no one ever told him such kind words with so much love and hold her tight but a concern look "Hinata" he wispered in her ear and this made her blush "I want you to safe for me whatever happens you must be safe i dont know what will happen if anything happend to you" but this comment fades Hinatas blush and her face becomes furious that froze Naruto in that moment and she begun yelling to him with tears "You and i become one now you can not want me to hide when the one pearson i care most is in danger. Whatever you say i will train harder than you to be protect the my true love" sudenly Hinata grasps Narutos jacket pulls him down to hers eyes sight her beatiful lavenders eyes now filled with tears and hold fear for him "Naruto never again try to talk me out of this again because even if we dont married hell even if you didnt love me i will give my life for you to keep you safe" now Naruto is devoloping tears in his eyes and few was escaped from his eyes thro to his chin Hinata turns to Jiraya with a bow "Jiraya sama pl-" her words were cuts with Jirayas "Dont worry i wont go easy on you" with big grin than turns to Naruto "I hope you never let her do-" Jiraya stops talking when he sees Naruto begin hugging warmly behind the Hinata she was caught by suprise and now she is in deep crimson red then he turns his head to Jiraya allow his eyes meet his sensei while not leeting the girlout of his arms whe Jiraya sees the eyes of Naruto he saw almost a piercing blade trou his eyes with shine, he understands sitll and not beliving that Naruto has the determination no one ever could even come close to him in that area but now his determination moved on a whole new level that no one even comprehend than Jiraya fills whit the pride in his student and than become desperate yes desperate because he just realise for now on his student never let his go to even for rest and his lovely (:research:) times fading in his mind then a sound cut his thinking "You dont even have a chance." Naruto says with a evil grin to his sensei he saw right trou his sensei's mind. Jiraya sobs few times while Hinata still try to fade her crimson cheeks than with a swift move now Naruto hold his wife in bridal style tightly to his chess which not helps Hinata's blush and than he burries his face to Hinatas face with a full blown kiss which makes Hinata melt trou his arms and slowly she rises her arms and warp around Naruto's neck when they finally decide to breath again which neither of two of them not sure how long it took suddenly they realised they are still in front of Jiraya which makes Hinata even darker red seeing his bride's shades of red on her face he starts smiling which no one ever sees such smile in their life and this is on Narutos face they knew what he has trou his childhood and yet he always try to his best keep joy in his heart but his smile never hold that bright of true love except now his smile brighter than sun Hinata thinks. "Hinata i don't know what i have done to deserve you but i know that i will try my best to keep you happy to be the husband that you deserve to be the lover that keep you high above clouds to be there with you whenever you need me or not, thats my promise to you that i will keep it trou all my life even after." Hinata was speechless she just overwhelmed with emotions she began to remember her childhood little shy girl never speak up not even protect her self watching her love from shadows with a single wish that some day she have enough courage to confes his love to him and her only dream was one day she wanted to walks his side to be with him and now she is his wife and he is her husband and than she softly touch hers loved one's cheek and said "You just did." Naruto turns his gaze to sky and say "No not yet" turn his eyes to her beatiful lavender eyes and "There is no where near to the end we're just starting from now" then he starts to walk not letting his bride down Jiraya walks behind them and starting to think to his self "Minato i am sorry to say that but your son will be surpass you in every thing not it will happen very soon i just can't imagine how proud you are now becouse even as i am as his God-Father i never felt such proud in my life."
Three shinobi sails in to the future two of them will become legend.

so how about is i know its a bit emotional... ok i admit its way too emotional but from there they starting to train and there for a lot of adventures will be waiting for them but of course early chapters will be about Hinata becaming part of Narutos life i have even think from trining times there is one hell of a comedy chapter which Gama Bunta Meets Hinata and accept her as hime and protect her even from Norutos Dumbness thons of stuff to go trou with this i just want to know if you interested in this consider of writing let me know what you think my e-mail is
Holy van God chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
kurama helping naruto X3 I wish that happen in the anime *-*
jajaja Jiraya is a very crazy sensei XD
AvatarUzumaki chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
Lobee it! The humor and romance Washington awesome!
FlameDragon14 chapter 1 . 2/17/2014
An enjoy able one-shot. The only real problem is that Hizashi is Hinata Uncle not her father. Haishi is her father.
bh chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
Why is neji's father alive? Hiashi is Hinata's father
Rose Tiger chapter 1 . 2/2/2014
That was sweet, but you spelled "Hiashi" wrong.
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