Reviews for Big Brother is Listening to You
Farooq Khichi chapter 25 . 6/23
This was a good story. It is the second time I read it. I really liked how you wrote the characters we only know superficially in canon. The story flows quite naturally. 8 don't think I have seen another fanfiction with a similar concept. So here's to taking a unique idea and making it work. Best of luck. Bye.
SolusIpse42 chapter 25 . 5/30
That was great. Loved every chapter. Excellent work. Fantastic
noice chapter 25 . 4/24
really great story should get more reviews tbh
kblankenship1025 chapter 18 . 12/15/2019
Oh my god I’m crying out loud at the Harry and Draco banter before they do to to sleep.

P.S- Fuck those cunts that are taking shit. This is a site for amateur writers and I find myself pleasantly surprised this is well above average
Draugrim chapter 25 . 7/27/2019
This was the most ridiculous fic I have ever read and I loved it. It genuinely had me laughing out loud.

Thank you for writing.
DaisyFosterer chapter 25 . 6/10/2019
Aww! The epilogue was so cute!
good story chapter 25 . 3/5/2019
amazing really enjoyed reading it
fizu.khaira chapter 25 . 2/14/2019
i really love this story, thank you for sharing this story!
usually i read mostly slash story but somehow your story catch my attention and i dont regret reading this. i like how you potray each character and how you tell your story. i also love the pairing you know, thats one of the reason i love this, what is the use of fanfic if there is only canon in there you know, hehehe
Literary Consumer chapter 15 . 1/29/2019
So I’ve read this story a few times now and while I still love it i’ve Only just noticed a plot error:
1. Right after Theo came in to the house daphne told Harry that her mum died giving birth to Astoria. Then later the mum was alive
DocJackson chapter 25 . 1/10/2019
I'm sorry, I really do need to get better at leaving reviews. These stories are just so darn good that I can't stop reading! On to the next one!
DarkStarHarry chapter 25 . 1/9/2019
Thank you for writing this unique story.
really enjoyed reading it
Deo Gryffin chapter 11 . 8/8/2018
As much as I thought it was an interesting potential I forgot, the basis of it. This is literally a reality show into a written format. Which kind of doesn't really work, for one. At least to the same extent that reality shows do. Also I heavily dislike them so there's that. I'm honestly surprised I didn't drop the fic earlier. Not my cup of tea, what can you do...
EmeraldsandLilies chapter 25 . 7/19/2018
I was very surprised by this fanfiction! It was very well written and interesting and all the characters were done well. Loved it thanks !
D00rFr4m3 chapter 25 . 7/14/2018
Well that was an excellent read.

Your characters were really interesting, and you did well with a very unique idea. I like that your characters have had past relationships, and that's completely fine. It adds a bit of realism that I really appreciate.

Thanks very much for writing this, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
Tal Strauss chapter 25 . 6/29/2018
I loved this so much! I usually don't read these drama fics but this one was just so amazing! All the twists and the constant fighting and comic relief was just so great! I am so in love with this and this will surely be one of the first fics I recommend to other people! Thanks for the amazing read!
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