Reviews for Packing Heat
Vestal Virgin chapter 1 . 1/16/2014
Love it! What a great look at an unseen scene between these two. :)
CrlkSeasons chapter 1 . 1/15/2014
My sugar and spice review came through anonymously.
Just to let you know that this was me and to repeat that I enjoyed reading your flirtatiously charming (Klingon style) vignette.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Fun with B'Elanna and Tom - skillfully captured.
Greatly enjoyed this fun mix of sugar and spice.
Delwin chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Oh frabjous day! It's up :) You know, though, that this will only encourage me to start snow ball fights more often though...

A fun, flirtatious and subtly insightful look at the beginning of a relationship - including both the adjustments and the thrills - and "a Klingon beast that's renowned for its ferocious and destructive temperament". Just perfect - Thank You for making my day again with this!
DeltaCat chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Loved this! And not just the last line! Loved the vulnerable side to her that you've shown without making her too un Klingon! ;) Thanks for sharing.
Alpha Flyer chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Definitely a gun in Tom's pocket! ;-) Thoroughly enjoyed this. And yes, having a plush toy is NEVER inappropriate.

PS: So glad you let Dalby on this shuttle, too! He doesn't get to go on missions anywhere near often enough.