Reviews for The Apocalypse is upon Us
Green-Eyed-Wolf9324 chapter 77 . 10/18/2019
Aw, Jessie.
"I can burn-" "NO"
Story of her life, lol.
Green-Eyed-Wolf9324 chapter 75 . 10/18/2019
*shakes head* Jessie, Jessie, Jessie. Always trying to get in on the hunts and always mucking it up. Haha. Wouldn't be Jessie if she didn't do that though. Great chapter! ...totally forgot about Bobby's undead wife.
Green-Eyed-Wolf9324 chapter 73 . 10/18/2019
Lol. Dean cracks me up with his interaction with Drake. I had a boy show up at my house once when I was home sick (on valentines day) and he brought me ginger ale and crackers. I was really grateful, but at the same time, my parents weren't home and I was all like, "You can't be here right now!" LOL.
fanclaire chapter 82 . 6/25/2019
Ch 82 ...
Ça y'est ! Jesse demande à Dean de l'appeler" PAPA"! enfin ! merveilleux ! ...
Et,comme d'habitude, j'ai aimé tout les chapitres ! merci!
AshtynnAlba chapter 101 . 11/26/2018
OMG I JUST LOVE THIS STORY! I was in tears even though I knew what was going to happen! The dynamic with Jessie just adds that much more emotion. Personally i would love to see Sam home back immediatley and meet Dean, not stay away for a year until the supernatural came knocking... and to have his soul intact! Just get back to the regular life they’re used to!
OR Sam can join Dean Jessie Lisa and Ben and they All try to live a normal life. It would be interesting to see how Jessie deals with having a big brother essentially and living normal when your a pyrokinetic.
creativesm75 chapter 101 . 11/16/2018
very very good. nice.
Lillie1002 chapter 101 . 11/3/2018
I’m so glad to see an update...said as I wipe the tears from my eyes! All I can say is how much I loved this chapter, just like all the others. Please don’t stop now. No matter what Jessie says no daddy’s girl is going to accept a new woman in his life without some drama! The same goes for a new little brother. I can’t wait to see how “normal “ works for Dean and Jessie. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Jessiwazhere chapter 101 . 11/2/2018
These 2 recent chapter were great I have loved this story from the beginning. I am sure there is going to be a lot of drama with Jessie soon as she is going to have to share Dean and still grieve the loss of Sam and her 'normal' life. I think the part about her going to a regular school will be fun...not the schooling part but the part where she tests all the teachers and probably ends up not doing so great without Sam's presence.
sailorsweetie chapter 1 . 10/29/2018
This has been the best roller coaster of emotions I have ever had in a fanfiction before. Thank you so much for all your hard work! I'm so looking forward to seeing the change in all of them and also bringing soulless Sam into the mix. Now that will definitely be a change for them all. :) Can't wait. Xoxo
Ashleylynn719 chapter 101 . 10/27/2018
As far as requests go... I wanna see how she deals with Sam. Does she get depressed? Become reckless? Sneak out and find hints? I could see her looking for hunts and pulling a Claire (hopefully you’re caught up on the seasons haha- if not sorry!) Is love to see her try to drag Ben into a hunt. That would be interesting. Skip school? It’s gonna be fun!
Ashleylynn719 chapter 101 . 10/27/2018
Fantastic. Just Fnatastic! I mean... Bree and the change and I’m so excited! And the book she stole... I mean wow. It’s gonna be a good next book. 3
delacre chapter 101 . 10/27/2018
What a great ending to one of the best Supernatural stories out there. Thank you for persevering through the season, it was well worth it. Looking forward to the interlude cause I can already see what a rollercoaster that's going to be. Loved it, absolutely loved it.
MariaKata chapter 101 . 10/27/2018
Oh no, so sad. Poor Dean and poor Jessie. Can't wait for the new story though. I bet Jessie will find all sorts of trouble in the school.
Guest chapter 101 . 10/26/2018
Loved this chapter, excellent writing as usual! I’m so glad you are going to continue Jessie’s story, can’t wait to see what unfolds while they’re with Lisa and Ben.
Guest chapter 101 . 10/26/2018
Can't wait for a glimpse into a "normal" family with those four! Great ending. Excited for more. Love your writing, as always! Xx
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