Reviews for Broken Bonds
Snapplelinz chapter 1 . 2/5
You certainly made bondage an exercise in trust and cuteness, waitwhathuh ;-D But in all seriousness, you dealt with the theme of abusive relationships with loads of sensitivity and poignance - major props! :-DDD
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 1 . 12/17/2018
Muy Bonito!
Me Encantó!
Andrea P. Lancer chapter 1 . 9/23/2014
Your fic is so beatiful that the many little words that I know in English is not good enough to tell you how I love it.

Thank you so much for write this and shared with us :)
Sharon1234 chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
This is actually the story that got me hooked on to Cori. This specific part. "And then, being typically us, we argued over who would sleep on the couch that night. But not in the way you'd think. No, it was "I'LL take the couch" and "No, I'LL take the couch!". Even when we're in the worst fight of our life, we're concerned about the other's comfort." That made me realize how Cori would be a really really really cute. Tori being the kindhearted one and Cat being the cute and adorable one. That makes perfect couple!
chase19 chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
I missed you o.o
orestesfastingandpyladesdrunk chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
HI CELESTIE I FOUND YOU HAHAHAHA ITS KEANA BTW BUT YOU COULD PROBABLY TELL BY THE FANFICS I POST dont read that btw all those fanfics are a bit old for me bc i write on ao3 not here anymore
inkystars chapter 1 . 1/18/2014
Great fic. Awesome fic. But mainly, good luck for your surgery, and get better soon! :)
hunnybear108 chapter 1 . 1/14/2014
Great one shot and all, but I just want you to know that I hope your surgery goes as planned. It'd be awful if you never updated or posted anything again and left us all to wonder and worry. I hope your recovery is also fast. Well not entirely, as I know that it'll take a lot of rest to recover from something like that.. but you get what I mean right? Right. So yeah. I'll be waiting for another one-shot or the sequel to Dead to You. I know the sequel will amazing so I don't mind waiting. Thanks for reading my review, and again hope everything goes as planned!
osnapitzbex chapter 1 . 1/13/2014
Hahaha awwwwwh! :3 I think I laughed a good few minutes at that whole' Sex by appointment' line, that was a pretty genius line. Now, I wouldn't mind waking up to a Cat-Kiss! ;) I don't think anybody would!

I think you did an amazing job at writing this, y'know taking the kinky and rough genre, mixing it with Cori and coming out with a batch of Cori cuteness.

I hope next week goes well, good luck to you with it and I hope your recovery goes even better coz god knows we'll all be missing you here :)
team-valkyrie chapter 1 . 1/12/2014
Damn, this was so beautifully written love, you did an amazing job at this! Cat handled the subject with the love and respect that Tori should have received in the first place and oh gosh, it was so amazing!
Cori4life chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
Oh my never fail to impress me... and you're having heart surgery? You are very brave and I hope you get better fast. And yes you succeed at turning something kinky into something more sensual. Bravo! Its not that big of a surprise because you always amazing me and write some of the best Cori stories! You are one of my favorite Cori authors! I really love how you aren't one of the authors who just "try out" Cori and make the while thing about sex. You are dedicated to Cori and you add not only some sex but also feelings and twists and this deep emotional stuff that just blows my mind! But anyway, thanks for the one-shot, thanks for staying dedicated to Cori, and I hope you get well soon after your surgery!
I love you! 3 3
Bye! 3 3
Invader Johnny chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
It's kinda odd Cat being the reliable one but Tori hurt probably made her see not everything is as innocent as it seems.

All in all good fic and the sex? Even better.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
blizzardgrande chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
You never fail to impress me. I've actually been reading your fanfics before I made my account. You're a hell of a writer. I can't wait for the Dead to You sequel. What's the title? Alive to You, or something? Hahaha ... Keep it up!
Torigagged chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
More sexy bondage sex please with gags and stockings on their legs added.
broncoboy13 chapter 1 . 1/11/2014
That was awesome! I loved how you wrote it! I was reading and then came the sex scene. And then I was like, "no! It ls almost over!"

But yeah, this was awesome. Can't wait for the Dead To You sequel.

Praying for you to get better and stuff. Hope to see you back and better than ever soon.
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