Reviews for Sleepless
Somnia chapter 9 . 1/31
That felt weird. When her mother said she couldn't wake her up, after a dream in which she tried to stay conscious as long as she could, I felt uneasy. The connection was obvious, and if the dreams could influence her so much, she should have prepared for the next ones - I would have tried, at least. Like, Japanese phrases she could use to explain the situation - "please knock me out", "if I stay awake for too long I will die" and the like. And most importantly, it feels incredibly weird that she accepted it like this - I would have screamed at whoever did this shit, because they essentially KILLED her. They say that when someone passes away, pity those who they left behind - and she left behind an entire family, and all her friends, who now will mourn her. This shit, I wouldn't have fucking forgiven.

Strange, because I usually complain about characters overreacting, rather than underreacting, but whatever. Everyone's different, I guess.
Mr.Easy chapter 1 . 1/4
after reading the whole chapter I still can't figure out the gender of the MC but I think Mako is feminine?
WAIT chapter 14 . 2/6/2019
Was kay a girl before going to the elemental nations ? I thought he was a boy !
Viviene001 chapter 37 . 1/20/2019
I need to nope outta this fanfic. Having 2 reincarnations just ain’t my taste,sorry! _
Viviene001 chapter 21 . 1/20/2019
I might run and read the first few chapters now. XD
Still,inoichi totally thought she was about to suicide. XD hahahahahah
MrKeyFox chapter 36 . 9/4/2018
Ah the beginning of the end, the chapter after this killed the story. Very obviouse what'll happen (TenTen is a SI) made wish you as a writer would just kill yourself, 'cause I doubt you'd rewrite anything.
Waka Metalbelly chapter 6 . 6/2/2018
Ok. I gave this a shot. I really did. I get your making a dream sequence thing, I do, but even for dreams it's just not making any kind of sense. Abstract at best, written while stoned at worst. Good luck with your writing.
Dango and Tea chapter 4 . 4/13/2018
Idk why find it boring?
Smiling Seshat chapter 63 . 3/21/2018
What I don't understand is why Tsunade didn't ask Kay to give up all of her info. Tsunade knows Kay has info on Akatsuki and believes Kay spent her coma years as a ghost spying on important people. That's priceless intelligence, and neither Tsunade nor anyone else made the slightest effort to ask for information from soomeone who must know a lot. And letting Kay leave Konoha before they pumped her for information? That seems bizarre.
Smiling Seshat chapter 47 . 3/21/2018
"AN: I'd like to thank Moka-girl for their constructive criticism. I've gone ahead and planned out my next several chapters and I'm kicking up the pacing. You've been a big help. :)"

You know I was reading and noticed that A/N. Moka-girl is me, but I changed my penname on ffnet a year and a half ago because I wanted a more mature-sounding penname. On my profile it even says my old name was Moka-girl. I looked through the reviews of your story and realized I'd read this fanfic years ago, left a few reviews, and forgot about it. Quite the amusing coincidence.
Smiling Seshat chapter 9 . 3/21/2018
I loved her reaction to her green hair. It made me laugh.
QuietCat15 chapter 63 . 2/26/2018
Your story is really great! I really love it! Maybe the first few chapters needs a little bit of editing, but I kept reading it, and it really is awesome! I love the idea and the plot of it. I read all these chapters in two days because it was SO good I couldn’t stop reading! Can’t wait for the upcoming chapters!
Guest chapter 63 . 2/14/2018
Falcon's-Fang chapter 62 . 11/20/2017
I've really enjoyed seeing how far Kay has come, especially in recent chapters. I'm also impressed that you've gotten three chapters up in close succession. Well done, I look forward to the next.
JigokuShoujosRevenge chapter 60 . 11/4/2017
Ow. I knew her reaction wouldn't be happy go lucky, but damn. I didn't realize it hurt her that much.
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