Reviews for Two Roads Diverged
harmonious chapter 12 . 10/24/2017
I don't know if you still write but this was amazing. I believe this may be one of the best stories on this site. I read the background stories you wrote and I neatly cried from not having Shawn and Cory together. Then I found this and oh this is beautiful. Thank you for not bashing Topanga either. It was just clear her and Cory did not work. Everything about this is beautiful.
BrookeDWinchester chapter 12 . 3/19/2017
I've read this story twice and I still love it. You did an amazing job with each of the characters but especially Shawn, who's my favorite.
This makes me wanna do another rewatch of BMW. Again you did great.
whatweareafreaidof chapter 12 . 12/30/2015
Great story need a few more chapters. And topanga just had to make Cory leave his own place and tell him how great she is. N
findingthesunlight chapter 12 . 12/11/2015
there are tears in my head okay and if i could id cry them. the story is just so fucking raw. so human. it's funny, depressing, and just so Boy Meets World. i love it so much. i never thought i was going to but i love this and i don't even know but i love CoryShawn so much more right now. / faves.
Aaron chapter 12 . 5/9/2015
This was a brilliant story. thanks for sharing it.
Connieb chapter 12 . 4/19/2015
I read the second story first. This story is amazing. I've spent the whole day just reading this. The characters are so realistic. They way they are written, I can picture rider strong in that old bathrobe from the show. I loved it. I grew up watching bmw, but now as an adult, I can see how shawn could be with cory. I only wished it could have happened on the show.
Emerald Alchemist chapter 12 . 7/19/2014
Wow. Just wow. I absolutely loved this. You had me hooked from the very beginning. I actually had to put this on my Kindle so I could take it with me and read it everywhere, I'm not kidding. I wish this was how the sequel to Boy Meets World actually happened instead of this Girl Meets World stuff...(in a perfect world, right?).

This is the first fan fiction I've read in the Boy Meets World fandom (the very first fan fiction I've read in years, actually), and I was honestly so impressed with it, I couldn't stop reading. It's been hard for actual books to do that for me lately. You captured the characters and their personalities so well. No one seemed out of character. All of their actions and reactions were so believable. It wasn't all fluff or all angst like so many fanfictions are- the characters seemed real with real emotions and real conflict and real understandings and misunderstandings, which made it that much more enjoyable to read. The characters have depth and the storyline has such originality - absolutely loved it!

You're a very talented writer, and I can't wait to read more works by you! I hope you continue writing Shawn and Cory related stories! :) I'll be keeping an eye out.
tomboy2012 chapter 12 . 1/31/2014
You are brilliant. I just sat and read this story in two hours, and it has to be the best thing that I've read on this website. Everyone was in character, and I couldn't stop reading because I was so hooked by the plot. Shawn and Cory's relationship flowed SO WELL. It was like water; just so easy. Once of the best parts of your writing is that you showed and didn't tell most of the time, from what I saw (I have to say that is one of the hardest writing rules to follow. You didn't say that Cory's marriage was failing; you showed the tension between him and Topanga whenever they were together. It was orchestrated so well that I could feel a lot of what Cory felt. It was so easy to fall into this little universe that you created. Shawn was heartbreaking the entire time (I also love how you didn't reveal everything at once). Many people gloss over what he went through with his family life, and you weaved it in with aspects of the Shawn that I remember from the show. The fact that he was so down on himself and freaking out over Sadie kind of drove me over the edge. Amazing. You're such a talented writer that I can't even fathom it. I'm astounded that you don't have hundreds of reviews. I just pray that you continue writing in this universe (or even in the Boy Meet World fandom). I just LOVE Shawn and Cory's relationship. Goodness. (Off to read the sequel now!)
Dr.SpaceClaw Jr chapter 12 . 1/29/2014
Not only is this one of the best stories on this website that I've ever read, but you update so often! I could just hug you! Be sure to keep writing and to not let all this beautiful talent go to waste. :)
oOSilverKyuubiOo chapter 12 . 1/27/2014
Wonderful, wonderful story. I really enjoyed this. Everything seemed completely in character for me and the emotion was definitely felt. Please continue writing more Shawn/Cory fan fiction! I will be on the lookout!
Hannah chapter 12 . 1/27/2014
Flawless from start to finish. So beautiful and perfect. I hate the fact that it's over. I kept checking to get new chapters from you and I'm so sorry there aren't any left. Won't you please write more?
Esthernight chapter 12 . 1/26/2014
Good ending! I love it!
Esthernight chapter 11 . 1/26/2014
I was waiting for you to go to back to that poem. It's was the first thing I thought of when I saw the tittle. Great symbolism and went perfect with Cory in this story.
3 chapter 12 . 1/25/2014
LOVE this story so much! Every paragraph was perfect. I am trying to think of faults but I can't. It's wonderful! And the best part is that I can really see Ryder Strong acting out your scenes.
Esthernight chapter 10 . 1/24/2014
Please write more soon! This meeting with Sadie is killing me!
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