Reviews for Dare or truth Pokémon style
Thea Tandingan chapter 13 . 3/24/2019
Hi is the story discontinued? Because I really really want you to continue it as the story is so amazing wish or even hoped that you finish the story
Contestshipper chapter 13 . 10/31/2018
Hey love your story here are some truths and dares

Ash: why is misty so important to you?

Misty: would you risk everything including your friendship with ash for water type pokemon? 3

Dawn: because I like you here's a torchic egg

Paul: because your mean nasty and nobody likes you help take care of the torchic egg

Drew: give may your favourite pokemon and not get it back till the end of the chapter

May: sing take a hint by victorious and dedicate it to drew

Ash and misty: take care of a baby piplup

Dawn and paul: make out till the end of the chapter

May and drew: loose your virginity to each other

If you don't answer or do these dares I will have my level 100 blaziken to use either strength, fire punch, and blaze kick or close combat on you
Contestshipper chapter 7 . 10/23/2018
Hey love your show

Ash: stay taped to the couch for the rest of the chapter.

Misty: sing bleeding love and dedicate it to ash

Dawn: destroy the lie detector using your piplup

Paul: help dawn using your torterra

Drew: make out with may

May: make out with drew

Ash: who are you crushing on and why

Drew: why don't you just admit your in love with may

Dawn: why did you react the way you did when Paul forgot who you were

May: why does beautifly always gives the rose back to you

Misty: why did you keep togepi even though it isn't a water type
InfiniteGaming chapter 13 . 6/12/2018
I love this so much! Plz keep making it! ;ok everyone, prepare yourselves!
Jaiden- *smiles very evilly* you may not talk to your sister for this round of dares
Ember-who does Jaiden like? As in like like and you must tell the truth!
Jaiden- ur my favorite character so I will torture you more! Kiss the girl you like as more then a friend *cough Mina cough*
Pipit- give Mina a decafinated coffee! See what happens ;)
Renae- tell may that drew likes her a lot as more then a friend
Reggie- grab paul and jump into this convieniently placed bucket of maple syrup(because why not XD)

Welp, that's it for me! Hope you use mine but if not, oh well! Seriously tho, this is awesome and i hope you do it more!
Scolipede 72 chapter 13 . 4/20/2018
Add Bonnie and maxs dare will be kiss her on the lips for 5 seconds. P.S yes I like 4thwheelshipping
UnknownAuthour1.2 chapter 13 . 4/10/2018
Hello? Are you still doing this? I have gotta say these characters are slightly out of character, though the Pokemon Anime sucks(imo), they have had developments and are different now than they are deciphered. I will say this though, although the charters are basically a different version, it's been really enjoyable. I am DYING to have this finished because I have been really enjoying the characters Jaiden and Mina. Even though you have a bunch of repeated dares, I think you have done a really good job fitting them in. Congratz on this series so far and I hope for more Jaiden x Mina!
sanketdete2001 chapter 13 . 4/4/2018
This is the best Pokemon truth or dare story. I loved this story and it's amazing. Please update soon
Maruru the Kouhai chapter 12 . 2/19/2018

Zachary chapter 13 . 1/29/2018
This is one of the best fan fictions ever made in my opinion. I hope you continue to make it.
The Electric Dragon Rider chapter 13 . 1/16/2018
I really like this story, it’s been hilarious reading, anyway on with the torture... uh I mean dares.
Gary - Why is Ash afraid of balloon animals?
Mina - Lock Ash into a room filled with balloon animals with Gary.
Ash - When you freak out only annoy Gary.
Misty - Go save Ash (Put a bunch of bug Pokémon in the way)
May - You and Dawn are two of my favorites, you two can have a cookie of your choice.
Jaiden - Hand this tape to Paul, then tell Mina your true feelings
Paul - Read the back of the tape to yourself (footage of Jaiden showing Mina his true feelings), and play it if he doesn’t say his true feelings.
Mina & Jaiden - Just become a couple already, Hostshipping (MinaxJaiden) for life!
SkittyKitty12345 chapter 13 . 12/26/2017
Hey great job keep it up I have a few torture ide- *coughes I mean truth and dares
Dawn- How hot do you think Paul is on a scale from 1-10
Paul- How cute do you think Dawn is from a scale of 1-10
Reggie- Do you think Dawn and Paul should be a couple
Daisy- Why are you so obsessed with saying like all the time
Ash- Call Misty cutie for the rest of the chapter
Jaiden- Cuddle with Mina the rest of the chapter
Misty- Become a pikachu
Renae- Tell Drew's most embarrassing secret from his JORNAL *coughs we all know it's a diary Drew
SK out
PixelFairy2001 chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Don't even need to read the next chapter to know that drew probably stuck his tongue in may's mouth.
JMshipper chapter 13 . 12/10/2017
Hey awesome story pls update soon
I have some dares for you guys
Jaiden-Put a raspberry on a stick and try to fish for Mina
Mina-Try to get the raspberry from Jaiden
May-Pet Drew behind his ears for 30 minutes
Drew-Have May sit on your lap
DAML chapter 13 . 7/12/2017
Hey I absolutely love your storys. Even thought it'd been like 2 years since you've uplayed this I thought maybe I'd submit some stuff anyways.


Brock: Whats the most romantic moment you remember between Ash and Misty?

Reggie: Does Paul ever talk about Dawn? And if so, what does he say?

Max: What's the most embarrassing thing (That we don't know) about may that you can remember?

Jaiden: Let's just say that you and Mons couldn't be best friends anymore. Your options are either to finally admit your undying love (Don't even try to deny it ;)) or never be able to communicate with her or even be in her presence again. What would you choose?


Jaiden: Enact upon your previous desicion. NO IF ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT!

Drew and May: You two are sitting a crossed from each other, ears and eyes completely unobstructed. Drew will look at May in the eyes, and say loud and clear EXACTLY if he lovws her or not. If he lies (Bad chocie) this lie detector that I will now give you that is 100% accurate and indestructible (*Cough Mina cough*) will send out a 193747201037472019 giga volts of electricity into his body ( Far more than enough to kill him. Make sure to mention that.) After Drew tells May wither he loves her or not (And she hears it and acknowledges it) She will in turn tell drew clearly and loudly if she loves him or not. Consequences for lying are the same. Green means the statement is true, red means that they die.

(P.S) I absolutely love all of yoe stories and I hope you continue on Wrighting :D especially contestshipping
DrewMaySoulmat chapter 13 . 7/10/2017
Nuhhhhhhhhhh! Update please this is my favorite thing ever!
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