Hello,the names Lucy,last name Quinn.Anyways I can guarantee by the end of this story,you’d be rooting for me.I’m what they classify as the bad guy because of my parents.If it wasn’t for them,I’d be a normal kid in Gotham city.See,I have a problem,it’s pretty serious.You’ll figure that out by the end of this story also,no worries though,we all gotta start somewhere right?I’m classified as the most horrible little girl in Gotham,I’m 18 and I’m sure as heck not “little”,I can’t stand when people try and size me up and ask me stupid question like “How are YOU the clown princes daughter?”,and I answer back with a good knife to the throat and lotta laughter.I got the laugh from my dad and the craziness from my mom,it’s so not hard to tell.But I hope you don’t enjoy this story,but since I’m here,I’m sure you will.
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