Home Community Books Twilight Peter and Bella lovin', cause we all know there's not enough of it
Peter and Bella lovin', cause we all know there's not enough of it
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Focus: Books Twilight, Since: 09-14-10
Founder: FaithfulGrace - Stories: 14 - Followers: 8 - id: 85444
A collection of steamy M rated Peter bella fics. some have tri lovin' that include the one and only sex god Major Jasper Whitlock.
To view the listin's click on the ratin' bar and scroll to `FICTION RATING ALL' ratin's then click on the `GO' button it will show up there are currently 19 fics in there. read em they are brilliant story's. I have also started writin' a Jasper and Bella fic called Lethiferous Injurious Devastating. I will add it to this listin' it is not a Peter/Bella love fic although he is a

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