BiscuitReloaded 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 08-07-05, id: 872504
Author has written 5 stories | Gundam Wing/AC, Teen Titans, and Invader Zim.
β : BiscuitReloaded is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'm not going to lie, I'm a stickler when it comes to reading. I'm not a grammar nazi, but if it is terribly detracting from the plot, then I would rather not bother with it. If characters are well developed and the plot is thought out logically, then it should make a rather interesting piece in my opinion. My critiquing is just opinion, whomever allows me to view their work should remember this, I am here to help, but I may not always be right. If you don't like the suggestions I make, don't listen to me, it's as simple as that. I'm not going to fret over it, and I shall respect your decision to do so.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Character and plot developments. Chronology and logical order as well. I think that for any, and I mean any, work, professional or otherwise, absolutely needs these. If lacking in any one of these departments, don't even bother writing, as it is nothing more than a waste of time if these items are not a priority. I understand that there aren't any professional writers present, and if there are, excuse me. Keeping that in mind, I know that not everyone writes flawlessly, even myself, nor professionally, again, myself. All I wish for is that the works I view grasp the simplest concepts of narrative writing. Polishing up the basics will in turn lead to more advanced techniques and storytelling overall.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Dialog is my Achilles' heel, not the greatest at it, but I'm definitely not the one to go to in that department. Working to improve myself though, and hopefully publish my own original works one day. I'd like to think that my dialog is...adequate for my writing style, but I know I can do so much better. I personally like cliches and cheesy stuff, the kind that you see in comic books or hear superheros and villains utter to one another. Yet, I can do serious, mature, and realistic dialog when necessary. Dialog helps develop events and further the plot along, so it is absolutely vital. The more correctly it is done, the more it adds to the overall experience. With that said, again, I'm still working in that department to better myself overall.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Nearly anything in the "Games" section and most "Cartoon". I can do a few select "Anime" works as well. Not that I don't like them, I'm just not educated in that department mainly due to my own personal tastes. Stories of good versus evil, action-adventure, suspense, drama, and horror. I'm a sucker for just about any kind of war story, too.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Again, most of the "Anime" because I haven't watched much, but I know a lot of what I have watched, such as the "Gundam" series. Questionable material and subjects as well. I can handle quite a bit, but there is some stuff that I'm not comfortable reading with.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Cartoon Batman Beyond
Game Gears of War
Game Halo
Comic Justice League
Game Killzone
Cartoon Roughnecks
Cartoon SWAT Kats
Cartoon Teen Titans
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for