Eloeehez 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 12-07-04, id: 716609
Author has written 19 stories | Sue Thomas: FB Eye, StarTrek: Voyager, Teen Titans, Justice League, Trinity Blood, Mentalist, Batman the Animated Series, Transformers/Beast Wars, CSI: New York, Merlin, Supernatural, and Blue Bloods.
β : Eloeehez is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I can be particular and very nit-picky in some aspects. Spelling, grammar, overall structure and clarity of thoughts matter a lot to me. I do not like stories that are in script format at all. Also, I am not a fan of stories written by an author who only knows the world through other fanfics, or aspects of a world that have been created solely through fanfics (fanon). Creating it for your own story is one thing, but taking someone else's creation as truth is what I object to. Generally, when reading others' stories I look for an interesting story line, with well written, detailed chapters, and I prefer stories where characters from that world are portrayed as accurately as possible. Being able to visualize the story, either in parts or as a whole is something I enjoy when reading fanfiction. To me it means that the author has done an exceptional job of capturing the character and/or describing the setting.

As a beta reader I will be most interested in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and the feel of the story. I would hope for a certain amount of flow and detail to the story so it's not jumping around at warp speed. I may offer up character advice should I feel that something is strange or incorrect, but given creative thought I'm not against allowing character traits to change (but a proper foundation for that change helps.) There are also two ways I will beta; as a first reader (meaning I don't know anything about the story beyond what I've read), or knowing the basic plot and reading each piece and critiquing it as a part of the whole. Given that, you can ignore any suggestions, and if you do, explaining why can help me tailor my proof-reading in the future (for long stories, if you want to work together again, ect.) I'm not a beta to make snarky comments about your work but to help you improve it.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Spelling is probably my strongest point. Defining words or using them in context is also something I am fairly good at. I have passed college level English courses and have good writing skills, including experience writing with the distinct effort to make the sentences as varied as possible with minimal repetition. Generating random ideas is something I excel at regularly.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I don't critique others' stories as harshly as I do my own. Word likes to give me green squiggly lines even when the sentence makes sense grammatically to me. Sometimes I over-describe a setting or place in a story or the finer points of tenses get screwed up when I am writing.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Basically, I am not too genre-specific. See 'not preferred' below for those I'm not interested it. Adventure and hurt/comfort are probably my favorite type with friendship coming in close behind. Whumping/whomping is okay in my book, but whomp-fests, where the character just keeps getting hurt and can't escape/heal at all between, get old quick.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Poetry, supernatural (not related to the series), tragedy, and western. Anymore I also tend to avoid romance as much as possible since, in my opinion, it is overdone. I'm not a big fan of completely AU stories (canon divergent AU is ok), stories where all the characters are paired up (if they're not in canon already), or killing a character off at the end. Stories with sex scenes in any way explicit, non-con in any form. I don't like humanization of non-human characters.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Cartoon Batman the Animated Series
Tv Blue Bloods
Tv CSI: New York
Tv Hawaii Five-0
Tv Merlin
Tv StarTrek: Voyager
Tv Supernatural
Cartoon Teen Titans
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for