Faulty Paragon 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 01-24-15, id: 6450981
Author has written 108 stories | Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Terror in Resonance/残響のテロル, Fruits Basket, Final Fantasy XV, Eve no Jikan, Valkyrie Profile, Nier, Tiger & Bunny/タイガー&バニー, RWBY, Persona Series, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Radio Dramas, Promare/プロメア, and Octopath Traveler.
β : Faulty Paragon is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'd love to help you all out as a beta! I'm very straightforward, and I try to find the best way to make writing as creative and as clear as possible. Be ready to be challenged if I read your work- I'm very honest and critical in feedback. I'm also more than happy to go through things line-by-line with you to work on grammar, spelling, and use of stylistic features if you are a newer writer. If you would like my help as a beta-reader, then send me a PM explaining the general premise of your work, the fandom, the main characters involved, and the time commitment you are looking for from a beta. Also, I would highly recommend checking out some of my own fics to see whether our writing styles would be compatible.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Writing emotional narratives is one of my strengths. If you're looking to enhance the intensity of your narratives and the emotional impact it will have on your readers, I'm happy to help. I also love deep-dives into character development and world/lore-building, so if you are writing something more intense and complicated, I'd love to help. Less is more for me, so if you are very verbose and are looking to learn how to trim down your writing without detracting from the strength of the characterization, narrative and emotionality, I can help. In regards to writing fics in particular, I'm very good at keeping things in the canon continuity and ensuring that the characterization is accurate. If you're looking to place characters in an AU without disrupting the integrity of their original personalities/worldviews, I can help- equally, I'm able to support you if you want an eye to double-check whether all of the details are correct when you are writing within the canon.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Smut is something which I do not have much experience writing, so I would likely not make the best beta overall in that category. Action sequences are also something I am still learning to write myself, so I may not be the best eye to view them with.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I prefer looking at stories within my own fandoms- double-check with me what you're writing about, because if it's something I'm a big fan of, then I'll likely be more useful when checking continuity, how accurate the characterization is, etc. There are also certain characters that I'm just not a fan of, so double-check with me always as to what you are working on to see if I'd feel comfortable reading about them.

Also, I do have real-life commitments, so I do need a bit of flexibility in scheduling/getting work back to you. This is in part because of the fact that I'm very thorough, and oftentimes will look over each chapter multiple times to help you polish it properly. If you're looking for a very frequent beta on a tight timeline, I likely won't be able to help you.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I'm not a huge fan of OCs which disrupt the canon of the story, so if your protagonist is an OC, it may be a bit hard for me to see past how the canonical story is 'supposed' to be. If your OC is simply a side character that fills a role never fully fleshed out in the canon (ie. for the KH fandom, I've written multiple stories involving OCs as the protagonists' parents, as those are roles never filled in canon), however, that's totally fine by me. I'm also not the biggest fan of huge crossovers aside from Kingdom Hearts x Final Fantasy, since those are canonically crossed already.
Beta Preferences
Language: English & French
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Game Final Fantasy VII
Game Final Fantasy XV
Game Kingdom Hearts
Game Nier
Game Persona Series
Anime RWBY
Anime Tiger & Bunny/タイガー&バニー
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for