tinkerbelldetention101 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 07-28-04, id: 642368
Author has written 21 stories | Harry Potter, Tin Man, That '70s Show, Labyrinth, and Fairy Tales.
β : tinkerbelldetention101 is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
As a beta-reader, I am look for stories with a relatively good plot, characters with pesonality, and a subplot to add context. I expect a relatively clean-cut story; in general, would you allow your mother to read what you've written? If not, don't ask me to beta it. I can be critical-I'm the daughter of an English teacher and so am rather particular on spelling, grammar, and the like. I am American, and therefore I may not understand certain phrases or terms from another country; I will however respect that you as the writer do understand them and will try not to tamper with these phrases. I speak both English and French; however I learned French as a second language, and therefore there may be certain things I don't understand. I'm honest nearly to a fault, although I do my best to not hurt feelings. If I do I apologize. I am a very visual person and love a story that has good description; therefore a lot of comments may involve "not enough description" or something to that effect. I give respect and expect the same in return; if you cannot be respectful of me, don't expect me to be respectful of you. I have a good sense of humor, but I do not tolerate racist or crude humor, unless it is relevant to the story you are writing (i.e., if you throw it into an author's note or do not back it up before or after writing it, I'll call you on it). I'm an open person and will beta slash stories; however I will not beta for stories based on consensual incest. If you want to write a tragic story in which forced incest is a part of your plot, I am open to reading that; however, expect more criticism from me for it (not because the story is bad, but because I don't like that particular subject at all). If you choose to ask me to beta for you, please understand if I decline, as I may decide your story does not suit my particular requirements, so to speak. I will never turn down a story because the plot is weak or the grammar is bad; I will however ask you to fix the grammar or spelling and expand on your plot to make it a better story and you a better author. In the long run that is my goal, and if it is your goal to become a better writer, I am more than happy to help.
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I am, as previously stated, an English teacher's daughter, and therefore am very good with grammar, spelling, and plots. I also have a strong history background, and am half Native American, so if you need historical data or information on Native Americans for a story you are writing, I can help, and will be more than happy to do so. I have a very good sense of humor, and will only criticize a joke that seems too racy or racist to be a good idea. I also have a strong religions background, so if your story involves a religion you don't know much about, I'm your gal. What I don't know, I have no problem researching, as I can guarantee it will drive me nuts until I know. If you need scientific data, I can help to an extent; marine biology is my strongest area of science, and don't ask me chemistry-I never took it.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I am often impatient when the same spelling/grammatical errors occur time and time again, even after the writer has been corrected. To me this indicates pure laziness, and I will stop betaing the story, as obviously you are not paying attention to my input. As I have stated several times, I don't tolerate racism, and I will stop betaing any stories that do not have a strong case for racism (i.e., if you're writing a story for 'To Kill A Mockingbird,' I will of course make an exception; every rule has an exception). I think my worst is that I research my own stories to death, and expect the same from others; it drives me absolutely batty when a story is obviously not well-researched. I am however willing to help with any research you may wish to do for your story. On another note, I know I sound like a total hag right now, but I'm trying to be as serious as possible; check my profile-I'm anything but!
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I would prefer to beta stories from Humor categories, and especially from Fantasy and Spiritual categories. Any story with a good plot is welcomed, and any story from anyone who wants help expanding on their plot is also welcome.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I prefer not to beta stories that are pure sex; that's not really much of a plot in my opinion. I'd also prefer not to read Westerns or Tragedies; I never got into the whole Western thing and Tragedy is so...depressing...in most cases that I'd not be able to get through it without breaking out the Kleenex.
Beta Preferences
Language: English & French
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
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