Raycheld22 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 04-22-04, id: 576963
Author has written 16 stories | Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, Roswell, Supernatural, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, and Vampire Diaries.
β : Raycheld22 is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
*I've been writing avidly for a little over twelve years now, and I've gotten really good at helping friends with their stories. I read all of the time so writing and reading pretty much take up all of my extra free time. I like a story with lots of detail (without over doing it of course) so if your paragraphs are a lot of one to two liners, you’ll get an earful (just trying to be honest). I believe in delivering the best possible story, so I'll try to help you do the same in any way I can.*

The way I beta is this: I read through the story twice. The first time, I try to get a general feel for the plot to see how it flows and to see if it makes sense. I will make comments about the style of writing and what you can do to correct some errors, but I will not tell you what to write. This is your story after all, and I'll just give you constructive advice.*

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*The second Read through, I'll really look for errors to make you aware of weaknesses in the sentence structure. I'll let you know if certain words are missing, wrong, or if the sentence itself may need to be redone*br /

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*I will highlight the area that I'm making comments on and write in red next to it my suggestion. Sometimes, the story will come back with lots of red marks, but this is not always a bad thing. The better your story can be, the better writer you will be.*br /

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*All of the corrections I send back are only suggestions. As I said earlier, this is your story so feel free to ignore any comments I make. I don't generally harp too much about the style of writing because everyone has their own...but I'm going to warn any potential person who wants me to beta...details details details.*

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
**Vocabulary: I've forced myself to read the thesaurus since i started writing because nothing kills a book quicker than over repetitive words and an elementary vocabulary. If I see a commonly used phrase or word, I will definitely give you word suggestions.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Grammar: I am not a person who can help you with comma placement. Comma's, colons, and semi-colons are the worst area of writing for me and my own beta sends me TONS of errors, so if you need help in this area...I'm definitely NOT the right beta for you.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I love and will gladly read/beta the following genres:br /

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*Sci-Fi/Fantasy*br /

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*Angst*br /

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*Adventure*br /

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*Young adult*br /

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*Horror*br /

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*Supernatural*br /

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*Suspense*br /

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*Drama*br /

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*Familybr /

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*I like unconventional pairings, original characters, and alternate universe. My fics are: Buffy, vampire diaries, damson's creek, Roswell, supernatural, firefly...you get the idea I hope*

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I prefer not to even read the following, but I will never say never:br /

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*Westerns...hate them and WILL flat out refuse to assist br /

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*Historical Romances...they're unnecessary in my opinion and frankly bug the crap out of me* br /

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*Tragedies, I hate death fics...especially on fanfics. Now if it's a horror fic where several people have to die...sure but when you kill off pivotal characters...I'm not right for this type of story*br /

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*Same sex coupling...nothing against it really, I just don't write or read it so I would be useless in this area*br /

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*Anime...I'm not one for the cartoons or anime so please no*br /

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*Video Games...just don't because I'm not a gamer*br /

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*Japanese yoi whatever that is anyway*br /

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*Poetry*br /

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Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » T
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Tv Alias
Tv Angel
Tv Bones
Tv Breakout Kings
Tv Brothers & Sisters
Misc Buffy X-overs
Tv Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Tv Charmed
Tv Dawson's Creek
Tv Doctor Who
Tv Dollhouse
Tv Firefly
Tv Fringe
Tv Ghost Whisperer
Tv Gilmore Girls
Tv Leverage
Tv O.C.
Tv One Tree Hill
Tv Roswell
Tv Sex and the City
Tv Smallville
Tv Supernatural
Tv Torchwood
Tv Vampire Diaries
Tv Veronica Mars
Tv Walking Dead
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for