Elysia of Corellia 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 02-26-04, id: 545593
Author has written 10 stories | Misc. Books, and Harry Potter.
β : Elysia of Corellia is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I have proofread papers for a number of years, but prefer to beta stories. My feedback is generally extensive, and I aim to provide comprehensive, beneficial critique. I will tell you what I liked, what I didn't, what seems original, what's cliché, what's well-done, and what you need to work on - and I frequently am blunt about it, although I am capable of introducing critique softly if you are willing to hear it. When it comes to speed, I try to be quick, but sometimes get sucked into work/caring for my parrot/working on my own stories. However, I promise to tell you if any of the afore-mentioned happen, and to get back to yours as soon as I can.

On your part, you need to be able to hear critique, answer it, and change your story or characters if necessary. You also need to run your documents through a spell-checker before sending them to me. I fully expect to dialogue extensively with you via IM if at all possible, and email if not; if you don't want that, leave now.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I have been proofreading papers for spelling, grammar, and punctuation at a Master's level since I was fifteen. I know enough science and use enough logic to tear apart shaky plots and then help you put them back together. I am fluent in Greek and Egyptian mythology, and passable in Norse, Sumerian, Indian, and some Native American mythologies. I have been reading fantasy and science fiction for a long, long time, and can tell you exactly when you have crossed the line from original to cliché. The intricacy of world-building is one of my primary strengths, and I tend to watch characters very carefully to make sure that they aren't internally inconsistent or boring.

And, since this is ff.net, I have to say that I *adore* crossovers, and have extensive experience both reading and writing them. ;)

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I am very blunt. If I think your characters, plot, or settings are relying on tropes or are internally unrealistic, I will tell you so, and if you don't either work to make them better or explain why they are the way they are I will probably ask that you find another reader. I am not interested in perfecting S/G/P for stories that are lackluster and overdone. I occasionally have sudden deadlines, due to an erratic work schedule, that may stretch out the time before I get a story or chapter back to you. If it looks like you're going to drop a story I was interested in, I become a nag.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I am highly interested in fantasy, science fiction, QUILTBAG themes and characters, and stories that may contain elements of the above without falling into any particular category. I also enjoy stories in the nature, supernatural, and spiritual categories. I like poetry, especially formalist or experimental poetry, and I definitely think that can be done well despite being derivative - the best sonnet redouble that I ever read was a fanwork.

Also, my profile says "all books" - this is obviously not completely true, but I've read enough that I would have spent three days checking off the ones I'm comfortable working with. If you're not sure, if you think you're part of a bit fandom, send me a note and ask!

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I prefer not to beta heteronormative cisgender romance - that is, romance between a man and a woman where both partners (and the relationship pattern) fall into societal stereotypes. If you convince me that it's worth my time, I'm open to it, but don't expect me to agree off the drop of a hat. Stories that exist strictly in this time and space and culture tend to bore me, and I'm not a fan of most mystery stories. If the protagonists of your story are teens, expect to do a bit of convincing. I have very few squicks, but if you're writing noncon dealing with underage characters you probably want to go elsewhere.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Movie Addams Family
Misc Book X-overs
Movie How to Train Your Dragon
Misc Misc. Books
Misc Mythology
Misc Norse Mythology
Movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Tv Sherlock
Movie Star Trek: 2009
Movie Star Wars
Movie Stargate
Tv Stargate: Atlantis
Tv Stargate: SG-1
Tv StarTrek: The Original Series
Misc X-overs
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for