Supreme-Witch-Selene-Mikaelson 's Beta Reader Profile |
Author has written 18 stories | Hellsing, Walking Dead, Misc. Tv Shows, Vampire Diaries, Web Shows, Dracula, Wrestling, Teen Wolf, American Horror Story, True Blood, Misc. Books, and Supernatural. |
β : Supreme-Witch-Selene-Mikaelson is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I've never been a betareader before, but edit for friends you have a passion for writing all the time. In this, I like to read for a well written author but have no problem offering tips and advice as an aspiring author myself if you were to request it. I am always polite and well rounded in many different topics of interest as well as grammar and sentence structure. I would appreciate full cooperation and help in these endeavors as I prefer to ask many questions to understand a person's point of view on a subject, the setting of the story and any other questions that may arise through out the story that may need answering for the future readers to further understand and appreciate the piece. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I excel personally at descriptions and giving the reader as clear of a picture as possible with each statement made. In high school I was frequently exempted from further English assignments and paperwork as the essay due later that week or month was already being planned out, forming a rough draft, revised and edited many times. My English teach even removed the word limit as i had already doubled it with impressive alliterations and detail before asking her opinion on the rough draft. Once the essay was turned in, as well as 3 others that i can recall, were read over the PA system or published in our yearbook. I take these accomplishments humbly as they teach me what works and what doesn't as i too hope to publish books in my future. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I try very hard to over come any weaknesses i have, but within fanfiction stories i do have a bit of a hard time shifting to other 'ships' that i personally dont support, but am usually very good about backing up and taking an unbiased stance to benefit a story or person. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I personally prefer supernatural or paranormal romances or romances in general. For fanfictions I try to stick to the shows I know best which are listed on my person profile if you are interested. |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
As referenced in my 'Preferred' section, I personally like to stick to shows that i have experience in, but will do my best for any author and am not afraif to ask questions to further understand before taking on a project for someone. |
Beta Preferences
Language: English |
Content Rating: Fiction K » T |
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga All Books
| All Cartoons All Comics
| All Misc All Movies
| All TV Shows
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for
Romance Drama Poetry Adventure
| Mystery Horror Supernatural Sci-Fi
| Fantasy Crime Family Hurt/Comfort
| Friendship