Beeeezus 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 10-07-03, id: 466598
Author has written 9 stories | Charmed, Degrassi, Zoey 101, Instant Star, Harry Potter, High School Musical, and Victorious.
β : Beeeezus is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I guess what I think makes me a good beta is the fact that I love to read. I'm open-minded to all kinds of stories, and I know what makes for an interesting story. Also, I am very good at grammar, or anything english related.

What I expect from those who wish to have me as their beta is that they are prepared for any constructive criticisms I might give them. It's understandable that people get upset, but I promise that I don't try to hurt anyones feelings, and I try to remain professional at this.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm very good at identifying what will and will not grasp the audience's attention. Also, I am great at coming up with humor to incorporate into works of fiction. I have excellent grammar skills, and really anything pertaining to editing and writing correctly. I understand the different types of literary techniques. Overall, I’m super good at making writing sound good, and helping make the plot and the characters interesting.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
My weaknesses are mostly the fact that I’m picky, and sometimes a little too picky. Obviously, I can’t catch every single typo or mistake, because we are only human. Sometimes I can find myself at a loss of words, which is just my lack of vocabulary. That’s my main weakness, though, is my lack of vocabulary. I rely on the thesaurus.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Stories that I prefer to beta for are those in which the characters don’t have onscreen depth, so the writer gives them depth in their story. Most categories like this include Disney Shows, or Nickelodeon shows. I’m a huge fan of High School Musical, Life With Derek and Zoey 101. However, I’m not against shows or movies in which the characters do have great depth. I love One Tree Hill, Instant Star, Degrassi, Harry Potter and Lost. Even though these categories are my favorites to read about, I am open to almost anything, save a few categories which I will list below. I sometimes get the chance to read the stories of one of my good friends that I met on this site before she posts them, which is something like Beta-ing, and she doesn’t write for some of these categories, and I still enjoy helping her out!
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
The only stories that I do not like to read are those that are about Twilight and those about Hannah Montana. I have nothing against either of them, I just prefer not to read them. Also, I dislike reading stories that involve the Jonas Brothers and their personal lives as the plot. I find it disrespectful to them, and that includes all other real people as well. If you wish to use a celebrity as a sub character that doesn’t have much to do with your story, I find that to be okay. Just please, no Twilight and no Hannah Montana. Oh, and I don’t really like reading Ryelsi’s in the category of High School Musical or Quogan’s in the category of Zoey 101. I don’t like Brucas from OTH, but I can deal with that pairing.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Harry Potter
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for