Binario 's Beta Reader Profile |
Author has written 12 stories | Warriors, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and BNA ビー エヌ エー. |
β : Binario is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Heyo! I've mostly done occasional beta-reading for Choose Your Own Adventure type of games. I'm very forward with the comments I make, but I quickly fall in love with any story that has a compelling plot, even if I have never in my life known anything about the fandom it might belong /br /br / br /br / br / Hey :)br /br / br / br /br / br / Mi experiencia siendo beta ha sido, en su mayoría, como tester de juegos Choose Your Own Adventure. Soy bastante directa con mis comentarios y acotaciones, pero me enamoro fácilmente de una historia con una buena trama, incluso cuando nunca en mi existencia haya escuchado del fandom al que pertenece. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm an excellent plothole identificator. Be it slight or glaringly obvious – I can hunt those bad boys down wickedly fast. I'm also very good at helping others humanize their characters. br /br /br / br /br / br / Soy excelente para identificar hoyos en la trama (eso suena tan extraño; mejor dejémoslo como plotholes). No importa si son sutiles o increíblemente obvios – esos desgraciados no escapan de mi vista. También soy muy buena ayudando a humanizar personajes. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I would love to say that I'm part spellchecker, but then I would be lying. I'm not a native English speaker, but I have been speaking it for so long that I'm very comfortable with my proficiency level. I won't be able to masterfully polish your fic, but I can help to identify casual mistakes /br /br / br /br / br / Esto no aplica con Español. En mi propio idioma, mi fortaleza es, justamente, cazar errores gramaticales. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
If the fandom is something from life action TV, I might have to think it over first. I dunno, I just feel weird about beta-reading those /br /br / br /br / br / Si el fandom es de series de televisión life action, puede que tenga que considerarlo primera. No sabría qué decirte – me siento un poquito rara siendo beta en esos fandoms. |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I won't beta anything that slips into smut territory. Sorry, it's just not my area of expertise, I would not be able to give any sort of constructive criticism. If the M rating is just for violence then there's no problem for me, /br /br / br /br / br / No voy a poder ayudarte si es algo smuty. Perdona pero no es mi mejor área. Si la clasificación M es por violencia entonces no tengo ningún problema con ayudarte. |
Beta Preferences
Language: English & Spanish |
Content Rating: Fiction K » M |
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Game Fire Emblem
| Game Pokémon
| Cartoon Voltron: Legendary Defender
| Book Warriors
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for
General Romance Humor
| Drama Adventure Supernatural
| Fantasy Family Hurt/Comfort
| Friendship