ExplodingSkies 's Beta Reader Profile |
Author has written 5 stories | Percy Jackson and the Olympians. |
β : ExplodingSkies is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
As a beta reader I will have your story back to you within a couple of days.I use Microsoft Word 2007. I'm probably going to go through a couple of revisions of your chapters. For example: you send me a chapter, I look over it and make my changes. Then I send the chapter back for you to update. Then you send the updated version back to me. If I find anything else wrong, I'll correct it and send it back. And so on and so forth. I would like your chapters to be as error free as possible before you post them. I'll fix mistakes that are commonly ignored, commas, dashes,hyphens etc...If you want me to beta read a story that is under a fandom that you don't see under my preferences, email me anyways because I may have read it/seen it. I'll let you know if I think I know enough about the fandom to help you out. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I love to read, I will read as much as you write. I love grammar, and correcting spelling, I was my grammar school class spelling champion.I love to read and write. I think details are amazing, whoever invented them is amazing.My strongest fandom area is probaly Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I pretty much have all the books memorized. I like a challenge, if you think your plot is confusing I don'tmind, I like puzzles. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I can sometimes get bored with a chapter and just end it instead of going on when I should. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I like Humor, Romance, Action, Adventure, I'm really an all types kind of gal.br /br / Parings:Maximum Ride: Fang/Max Iggy/Ella X Percy Jackson and the Olympians:Percy/Annabth Nico/Thalia Rachel/Apollo Nico/Rachel any pairing really EXCEPT Athena/Posideon Athena/Percy Thalia/Percy Annabeth/Nicobr / br / Harry Potter: Harry/Ginny Hermione/Ron National Treasure:Anything br / br / Glee: Any pairings Alex Rider: Alex/Sabina and any other onesbr / br / br /br / br / br /br /br / br / br /br / br / br /br /br /br / br / br /br / br / br /br /br / br / br /br / br / Anything rated K-T is good by me, if there is something you really want me to beta, let me know and I'll take a look/think about it. |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Nothing rated M.Nothing Twilight. |
Beta Preferences
Language: English |
Content Rating: Fiction K » T |
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book 39 Clues Cartoon Ben 10 Misc Greek Mythology
| Book Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Book Harry Potter Book Heist Society
| Book Maximum Ride Misc Misc. Books Movie National Treasure
| Book Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for
Romance Humor Drama
| Adventure Mystery Parody
| Angst Suspense Sci-Fi
| Family Friendship