Atiaran 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 06-06-02, id: 225199
Author has written 57 stories | Harry Potter, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, Misc. Books, Xena: Warrior Princess, Avatar: Last Airbender, Transformers/Beast Wars, Fallout, Psychonauts, BioShock, Mass Effect, Elder Scroll series, and Team Fortress 2.
β : Atiaran is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
My style as a beta reader is related to my feelings on fanfic in general. When I read fanfiction, my major expectation for it is that it be as close in quality to professionally published fiction (profic) as possible. Therefore all criticism I give will be with an eye toward raising your stories to professional caliber. Expect me to comment on and correct everything from spelling and grammar to character psychology and motivations to plot structure and scene description if I feel it's warranted. If I feel something is not working, I *may* write an *example* alternative to show you how I feel it might be better done, but I don't expect you to use it; it's just to guide you and give you an idea of what to write on your own.

Be warned: I'm tough, but fair. If you do not deal with criticism well, or if you are only looking for compliments, then I'm probably not the beta for you. I'm a Ph.D. doctoral candidate, and so have seen a lot of scholarly criticism of my writings over the years. I tend to critique stories the way that my advisors critique my writings. Criticism may be extensive and thorough-going. I'm not the person to pat you on the back and tell you that your story is just fine, if I honestly think there are areas that need improvement. However, all criticism will be delivered in a friendly and non-insulting manner and with an eye to making your story be as good as it can possibly be-not toward making you feel bad. I feel that I would not be doing my task as a beta if I didn't try to take as much care with your story as possible. I also will tell you when I think that there is something you have done particularly *well.* I feel very strongly that positive feedback is just as important as negative feedback and I will give praise when it is warranted.

If you are interested in me betaing for you, send me a PM through the site messaging service, explaining a bit about who you are, what your story is about (especially *how long* you think it is going to be) and requesting that I look at your story. There are times when I can't take on more new stories, or when I can't take on things other than one-shots-I do this in my spare time and to strengthen my own writing skills, and oftentimes real life gets in the way. Also, there have been times when someone's contacted me, but as we've corresponded it's become clear that our approaches are too different and we really wouldn't work well together. So-ask first. :)

If you send me your story to critique, make sure that it is finished-that is to say, don't send me a work that you're half-way through writing. The story must have reached its end as you see it. For longer works, I understand that that may not be possible and will critique on a chapter-by-chapter basis; however, each chapter that you send me should be finished.

Despite what I said about tough criticism, at the end of the day you are still the author of your story. It's up to you whether or not you want to use my suggestions, and although I may have extensive comments on your story, I won't try to force you to use them.

I am willing to beta stories outside my fandoms; however, I won't be able to critique canonicity of said stories, obviously. Also, I generally prefer not to beta for authors who are under eighteen years of age.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
My strengths are grammar, spelling, description/imagery, character motivation and psychology. I also have an eye toward realism; if I don't think something is realistic I will say so.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I will not be able to give technical advice in fandoms with a technical element (for example, legal comments in fandoms like Law and Order, or science comments in fandoms like Star Trek or Battlestar Galactica. I may take a while to get back to you with comments, although I'll try not to make it more than a week.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I prefer drama, action/adventure, and angst. Sweet romances are also good. For romances, I like het and f/f slash. I also like genfic. Generally I like stories that probe deeply into the characters, or attempt to expand the world in which they are set in a new way.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Not my cup of tea: Stories with explicit sex or extremely gruesome violence (fight scenes are okay though.) M/m slash is also not my cup of tea; I think it's way overdone. However, if you can persuade me that your m/m slash story is different from all the other ones out there, I may agree to review it. I also don't like character bashing, or stories that have a misogynistic bent.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Cartoon Avatar: Last Airbender
Tv Babylon 5
Movie Beauty and the Beast
Game BioShock
Movie Cars
Game Chrono Trigger
Cartoon Daria
Game Dragon Age
Game Elder Scroll series
Game Fallout
Game Final Fantasy I-VI
Game Final Fantasy VII
Game Final Fantasy X
Tv Firefly
Book Harry Potter
Comic Homestuck
Book Lord of the Rings
Movie Mad Max
Game Mass Effect
Movie Matrix
Movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Game Psychonauts
Tv Scrubs
Game Star Ocean
Movie Star Wars
Tv StarTrek: Deep Space Nine
Tv StarTrek: The Next Generation
Tv StarTrek: Voyager
Game Suikoden
Cartoon Transformers/Beast Wars
Movie WALL-E
Book Wheel of Time
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for