Twilightstar7 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 11-17-09, id: 2148963
Author has written 9 stories | Four Brothers, Supernatural, Samurai Champloo, Pumpkin Scissors/パンプキン・シザーズ, Cowboy Bebop, Star Trek: 2009, and Young Justice.
β : Twilightstar7 is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Hi everybody! First of all, I love reading fanficion (I probably spend too much time reading it). I do have some experience editing the fanfiction/other writing of friends. I'm big on constructive criticism when it comes to feedback and I will be honest with you on my opinions, but I promise that I won't be harsh or anything like that. I'll also get you the corrections/suggestions as soon as possible. The time will probably depend on length, but one or two days is probably a correct estimate. As for expectations, I don't really have that many. If you could give it a once over before you send your work to me, that would be nice (it doesn't need to be perfect or really even all that close). Also, let me know if there's anything specific I should look for or that you would like me to critique/comment on. That's pretty much it. Send me your writing :)
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm pretty good at catching grammar mistakes. I'm not a english teacher grammar nazi, but I'll make sure that it makes sense and that there isn't anything horrendously wrong. I think that I give pretty good constructive criticism. As long as you're willing to take it, I'll give it.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm not that great a spelling (I'm not horrible, but spellcheck is definitely a good friend of mine).
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I'll read pretty much anything. I would prefer to beta fanfiction that's based upon a source that I have some idea, but I will read other things (it's a great way to get into shows/movies/books/other that I haven't heard of before). Some fanfiction sources that I know very well are: Supernatural, Criminal Minds, Vampire Diaries (T.V show + Books), House, E.R, Rookie Blue, Glee, Raising Hope, That 70's show, POTC trilogy, LOTR series (movies + Books), Star wars, Vampire Knight, Gundam 00, Gundam Wing, Fruits Basket (anime + manga), Trigun, Twilight (movies + books), Destroyer men, Warriors, Pirate Radio/The boat that rocked, Sherlock Holmes (2009 movie),br /

br /

REMEMBER: I will read fanfiction from stories not on this list.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I'm not picky about many things. I will read Slash as long as it's not extremely explicit (a little makeout scene is fine, but not any further please). In general, I like things around PG-13 (a little bit into the R territory is fine, but not too much).
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Movie A-Team
Tv A-Team
Tv Criminal Minds
Movie Four Brothers
Anime Fruits Basket
Anime Gundam 00
Anime Gundam Wing/AC
Anime Gungrave
Book Mortal Instruments
Movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Anime Samurai Champloo
Movie Sherlock Holmes
Tv Supernatural
Tv Vampire Diaries
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for