ohgleegasms 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 06-02-09, id: 1955799
Author has written 9 stories | Gossip Girl, Skins, Twilight, and Glee.
β : ohgleegasms is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Hello friends! I am Tori, a twenty-five year old college graduate who loves to write. My degree is in communications, however I have lots of experience writing in both professional and personal settings. I've been roleplaying since I was eleven years old, and have been writing short stories, fan fictions, novellas and other freehand writings since I can remember. Only recently have I gotten up to publishing here on fanfiction, but I've roleplayed on a variety of outlets - mainly myspace and avidgamers/acornrack. My style of betareading is quite simple - I believe that constructive criticism is the root of success. I will not berate you, nor chastise you no matter what the case.

Constructive guidance will help make you a better writer. I welcome it on all my works.

My expectations are that you give me the same respect I will bestow upon you. Please do not take my words as personal attacks or judgments. I wish not to offend, but to guide. I also warmly welcome anyone to read my works and offer construct as well. I also admit, I myself am a comma whore. If you're struggling with that, my guidance will be limited. But spelling, most grammar, story structure - I can help you with that. As you will see, I'm a more artistic, abstract writer, but I will gladly proof anything thrown to me.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I am much better with novellas, or chapter stories, than I am with one shots. I'm not good with being succinct, however I will try my best. I also am poor for poetry criticisms, so please don't throw those at me. x3 As I mentioned before, I am a terrible, tragic little comma whore! I am slowly learning to curb my use of the comma, but it's a long and tedious journey. But, I AM quite keen on proficiency in spelling, proper grammar use and both sentence and story structure. I also tend to pick out words that people throw into their writings superfluously - that is, words that *look* to make the writer appear to be intelligent, however are used in the wrong context.

(please note, my use of superfluous was an example of this)

Stay true to yourself, to your emotions. That's my strongest point. I pour my heart, my soul, my emotion into my writing, and I hope you will too. Writing is an art, a beautiful art and I look forward to reading yours.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I am a terribly rambly person. I cannot write short stories or one shots with ease! I have this tendency to go into far too much detail, and elaborate on things too much as well. I also am redundant. But it's me - so I curb it to some extent and otherwise make people suffer with my novels. xD I also am, as aforementioned, a comma WHORE. I use them way, way, way too often and almost always incorrectly. So I will apologize in advance for that. Don't ask for my advice, I have long forgotten the rules of comma use and my brain just chooses to ignore them.

Stubborn by nature, I am.

I also tend to be too abstract, too emotive and almost too elaborate in the fact that I confuse people with my writing. I'm trying to learn to be more direct, straying from the poetic and trying to be more sensible. My emotions tend to control my writing almost too much.

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I would prefer television or movie related stories, simply because I'm more knowledgeable on the topics. However, I will research anything that's thrown at me to the best of my ability. I adore Skins, Gossip Girl, House MD, Law and Order - all of them, Boston Legal and a plethora of other random shows. My list of favorite movies is too lengthy to bother with, however I'm always open to reading anything - especially if it'll turn me on to a new movie! I love anything Johnny Depp, anything musical, anything Disney, really... anything. So hit me with you best (one) shot, baby!

Or novella, or novel, as it were.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I'll read anything, but I warn you - I'm not one to know anything about anime. So sorry! D: So it might confuse me, I might ask a ton of questions, but I'll gladly give it a looksee for technical errors, though I cannot advise on content.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
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Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for