Lanesy 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 04-07-09, id: 1892780
Author has written 4 stories | Star Trek: 2009.
β : Lanesy is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
My experience comes mostly from spending my time in roleplay communities over the past 8 years. What started as games always turned into close relationships with slews of other writers, and with that came the safe opportunities to share our work. To this day, I still proofread essays and short stories for these friends. I take great care to read something that I am entrusted with; it is obviously important to the writer if they have taken their time to write it and therefore it is by default important to me. I have a strong English/grammar background as well, and take those aspects along with content very seriously when I /br /

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I am also an Art major in my senior year of university, and have plenty of experience with constructive criticism. I tend to wield it with the ferocity and grace of a blade. Please don't ask me to read your story if all you want to hear is that it is great and needs no editing. I want those that come to me for help to have a sense of pride over what they've written, and while I will not purposely cut you down for any reason, I am very opinionated and will always try to offer at least one suggestion that I feel could improve the quality of your work. Unless, of course, it actually is perfect, in which case I can probably die happy. XD

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
The things I tend to hone in on the most are characterization, spelling and grammar. Correct spelling and grammar are so essential to me that I actually become embarrassed for an author when I read "finished" pieces that still have mountains of technical errors in them, so I am careful to make sure that doesn't happen to authors I read for. And characterization comes naturally to me; I can pick out very clearly when a particular character feels too OOC or Mary Sue-ish, etc. I am also fairly keen on tone/voice: the overall cadence of the work and whether or not each section flows continuously.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
My major weakness is my attention span and timing. It tends to take me quite some time to read even an extremely interesting fic, because a) I get antsy now and again and have to step away and b) I also read through pieces multiple times to make sure I touch on everything I can find to help the writer. I would suggest only coming to me if you're not in a dire hurry to get something published.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Fandoms: Star Trek Reboot (Gen Fic, Spock/Uhura, Sarek/Amanda mostly, but I don't mind some Spock/Uhura/Kirk); Final Fantasy XII (Basch/Ashe, Balthier/Fran, Gabranth/Drace, Basch and Noah history); Final Fantasy VIII (Seifer/Quistis); Trinity Blood (Abel/Esther preferred, but I'll read anything); Okamibr /br /

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These are just the fandoms I like to read for right at the moment, but I don't mind reading others that are on my preferences. I'll read just about any genre, and I'm a Gen or Het kind of person when it comes to pairings, and don't mind reading any rating, including NC-17.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I'm fairly unsquickable when it comes right down to it, but for some reason I just can't do slash. Not that I have anything against it at all, it just doesn't hold my attention, so beta-ing for a slash writer just wouldn't seem fair to them. And I won't read anything that hasn't at least been pre-proofread. I always do a final read-through myself for last minute errors, and I understand that there are always typos and things that slip through, but it's just common courtesy. I would do it for my betas and would expect a considerate writer to do it for me. :)
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Tv Bones
Tv Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Anime Eureka Seven
Game Final Fantasy VIII
Game Final Fantasy XII
Book Harry Potter
Game Okami
Movie Star Trek: 2009
Anime Trinity Blood
Anime Vampire Hunter D
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for