Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I have been writing for years and recently began taking workshops and participating in challenges and competitions. I would like to think that I am a tough Beta. Any work I am given receives my full attention, and I rake it for SPaG, flow, wording, characterization, plot-lines and plot-holes. I have a range of things that I will point out, anything from type-o's that must be fixed, passages that need smoothing over, and stylistic points that are really a personal preference. I tend to explain and provide suggestions for revising poor wording or broken flow, and will state when a particular phrase or word is a personal, stylistic. I typically Beta in waves, normally helping writers through drafts 2-4, and with each revision I get more nit-picky. I will point out things that worked within a piece and provide praise, but I am not one for over-complimenting your piece; that is not the job of a Beta. I maintain the perspective that a Beta who puts so much time and effort drawing out the burps, holes, and flaws of your work is paying you a great compliment, and so while I will never flame a work or disrespect a writer, neither will I be dishonest. My services really are for those writers who are confident enough in their work that they expect a thorough critique of the work presented to me. |
My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I am very good with grammar and spelling. I am also strong with characterization and developing characters so that they seem like real people that readers can relate with. I grew up on Harry Potter and most of my works are for the HP fandom; I think I know more HP facts than US history (which is a bit sad, honestly). If there is a hole in your plot or character development, I *will* find it and question you about it. There are some things that I realize can take the "author's license" reasoning, but that has a limit. Topics that I am best suited to Beta would be family issues, social issues such as poverty, drug abuse, gang violence, and discrimination, as well as psychological disorders or disorder-like symptoms, such as PTSD, depression, bi-polar, eating disorders, substance-abuse disorders, and trauma-related disorders. |
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
My biggest weakness has to be sexual orientation and/or gender identity as a topic within a fic. I can offer some thoughts and suggestions, but the experiences of the LGBTQ community is something that is not my strength. I can read slash or femslash works with no problem, but I will not be able to Beta it for realism the way I can, say, non-suicidal self harm. I don't write parodies or crack fics. Not that I am against these genres, but I doubt I will be very helpful and will probably do better as a regular reviewer for these. Poetry is a mystery to me. There are two types of poems: rhyming and not-rhyming, and somewhere along the lines falls "iambic pentameter." I am bollocks at poetry. |
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I would rather Beta fics that fall under the Harry Potter fandom. I am not wholly opposed to cross-overs, but they are not my favourite, generally. I love family pieces, fics dripped with angst, and fics that intertwine the fandom with current day social issues. I can Beta M-rated fics (though please mention this to me at the start); however, if the central theme is depression and/or non-suicidal self harm, please contact me and mention this immediately, as well as how graphic you are going to be, as these types of issues are somewhat triggering for me. |
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
No incest. No child abuse, be it physical or verbal or sexual. If there is going to be a prevalent discussion or description of sexual assault, it better serve a point and it better be handled with tact - I *will* ask you why you included this in your fic, and I expect a decent response. |