Auryn Rei Evroren 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 01-10-08, id: 1471058
Author has written 16 stories | Sakura Wars, Quest for Camelot, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Pocahontas, Sky High, Grease, Leverage, Little Mermaid, Blast of Tempest/絶園のテンペスト, Aladdin, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
β : Auryn Rei Evroren is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
Alright, here's how this works.

I love grammar and usage, spelling, mechanics- all that jazz. If you want me to beta for you, be prepared for my insistence on proper writing technique.

As for style, I don't really have a 'style'. I do read stories all the way through before correcting anything other than spelling, simply because it gives me a better understanding of the story, and thus what the author is meaning to say. If you do as I do and write fanfics about movies and suchlike that include scenes actually FROM the movie, I am not going to criticize you on your ability to follow exactly what happened in the movie, though my personal inclination is to stick as closely as possible to the original plan.

That's about it.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I love grammar. I would marry it if that were legal. I have a pet peeve for misspellings, but that's okay, because I understand that not everyone is as natural a speller as me AND that typos can ruin your life upon occasion. Believe me, it's happened.

I'm also a big fan of mechanics and sentence structure. I like to write in complex sentences, so simple sentences can sometimes bug me. It's okay though, don't freak.

And I'm going to be honest- if you ask me for an opinion on what I think should happen next, I can do that for you. It's not a problem. But I'm not going to tell you what I think plot-wise unless you ask.

My Biggest Strength Ever: CHARACTERIZATION. I love getting characters' tendencies and personalities perfectly right, and when I don't or someone else doesn't, it bugs me until I fix it or I've at least mentioned it.

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Ah, weaknesses. Hate them.

Sentence structure is both one of my greatest strengths and one of my worst weaknesses. I write colloquially, so a lot of the time my sentences don't make grammatical sense. That's only when I write like this, though. In my stories, I try to keep it as proper as possible. So if you have some fragmented or colloquial sentences, I might not catch them. Sorry.

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I only read stories about subjects that I already know (Phoenix Wright, Sakura Taisen/Wars, Disney, etc.) or about movies that I can rent and watch specifically for that purpose. I'm not going to watch a TV show for you, but I will watch a movie.

Subjects that I write about don't quite measure up to my areas of interest, so let me know if you'd like me to help you out and you just don't know if I know about thus-and-such a subject. Chances are, I do.

YES, I will read extremely mature content if asked.

YES, I will read yaoi/yuri/shoujou stories.

YES, I will read any pairing you can come out with, my personal pairing preferences aside. I will raise my eyebrows at some pairings, but I give everything a good try because sometimes you really don't see how it works until you read it.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories

I don't like reading stories that are mature content from start to finish. Spots are okay, but I'm not much one for nothing but maturity for seven chapters straight. Some people like that, but I'm not one of them.

All in all, I'll read just about anything, but whether or not I like the story is up to the way it's written. Not much really bothers me.

Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Movie Aladdin
Anime Blast of Tempest/絶園のテンペスト
Anime Junjō Romantica
Movie Little Mermaid
Game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Anime Sakura Wars
Anime Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
Anime Uta no Prince-sama
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for