Cray Queen of Angst 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 08-24-07, id: 1360655
Author has written 19 stories | Pokémon, Naruto, Avengers, Harry Potter, H2O: Just Add Water, Chronicles of Narnia, Switched at Birth, and Life With Derek.
β : Cray Queen of Angst is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I'm a very picky reader, meaning I know what it would take for a reader to become interested in something. Such as Title, summary- which is of major importance- and in some cases even length. All I ask is that you accept that I *will* be making grammar and spelling corrections that cannot be changed. And, at the very least, take into consideration any tone or style suggestions I might make (you can definitely disregard them, but be aware that I will be making the suggestions). If you're willing to do that, I can probably have each chapter beta-read and back to you within the same week, depending on the chapter's length, of course.

I prefer to use Google Docs so I can make notes as I go, but I can work with other modes if that does not work for you. Please send me a PM with a short summary of the story and what you would like me to read for and be specific on what it is you want me to focus on. I've already stated that Spelling and Grammar are boxes that are automatically checked when I beta. Should you wish a more detailed, fine-toothed review of your work, please let me know as not many of you might like what I have to say. If I am not told to limit my findings to SPaG, then I will go ahead and work on the following:

-Grammar and spelling

-Word choice



-Plot consistency

-Characters (Both staying in canon, and *OCs)

*For OCs I will require a character sheet for reference.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm very quick at spotting basic spelling and grammar mistakes. I've been complimented on my ability to help with consistency of tone and mood in stories, and I am VERY good at checking and fixing dialogue issues, especially if you want the dialogue to sound more natural. I also try to double-check facts between stories and the original canon, as well as making sure facts are straight within the fics themselves just to have a good idea of how each Character's personality is supposed to be. I've followed a wide variety of Books, Movies and TV Series, so I'm quite possibly familiar with what you're writing for and whatever canonical information is needed to be checked. I'm also surprisingly good at roughing out intimate scenes -read smut/lemon- without making them too awkward or technical, which I've seen happen on more than one occasion.

I am blunt. If you can't handle someone that doesn't beat around the bush making suggestions, you might want to look elsewhere. I try to be kind about it, but I don't sugar coat, either. You've used the same word five times in one paragraph? You're gonna hear about it

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Fight scenes, If I'm being quite honest I'm horrid at them, mainly because of the terminology so I am not the best person to beta these scenes except in terms of spelling and grammar, as those are areas I struggle in myself and I don't think I am qualified to critique that area in others if I can't do it myself.

English is also not my first language, so while I do have a firm grasp on the language, there will be occasions where I will either get lost in the terminology or end up confusing it. If you don't mind this, I will gladly take a look at your work!

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
I'm 24 and able to beta any rating, though I mainly focus on T-M, AU based stories and have no issues with ones with doubtful morality, I believe we can all agree that this is fiction and not reality. I also don't mind overly angsty or tragic stories, quite the contrary. I prefer character-driven stories over complicated plot-focused ones, but I can do both if needed. I'd be quite happy to beta anything sent my way.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Canon characters with severe cases of OOCness that is not warranted due to circumstance. Comedy or Crack fics, while fun to read, I've found they're quite hard for me to work on.
Beta Preferences
Language: English & Spanish
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Tv 100
Movie Avengers
Tv Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
Tv Charmed
Book Chronicles of Narnia
Tv Flight 29 Down
Tv H2O: Just Add Water
Book Harry Potter
Tv Life With Derek
Anime Naruto
Game Pokémon
Tv Switched at Birth
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for