the Under-Cover Fangirl 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 04-13-07, id: 1259963
Author has written 11 stories | Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon, One Piece, Misc. Books, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Great Gatsby.
β : the Under-Cover Fangirl is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I am very interested in all things fiction, and I am, for the most part, proud of my work. If needed, I will correct all grammatical and spelling errors. I can help to move along the plot, as well, for my ideas are random and plentiful. I will not interfere with your story, but I will give service if you should so inquire for it. Also, I despise factual errors and I will correct them whether you ask me to or not, though I will inform you when I do. I will respect your writing and you will respect mine or you can promptly go to hell.

But. . .

I'm looking to make friends with writers who enjoy what I enjoy. :) I'll be polite and merciful in my criticisms and exact in my corrections.

Overall, in fan fiction, I take the art of exploring and representing the characters that I adore very seriously, and I relish in it, as well.

. . .

[Also, for those who cared to read this far, know that I'm only writing like I have a 15-foot-spear up my butt, but 1) this is my resume, and it is important, and 2) I'm watching Indiana Jones and The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, which is very serious business.]

. . .

[Love you Indy!]

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
My areas of expertise are in subtlety, grammar, spelling, character creation, character development, description, and plot points. You may or may not disagree, but I have pride in my skills, to a point. Also, if you have not decided upon a decent one, then I can help you with your motif. I am eager to help any fellow writer-in-training, in any field that you challenge me to.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm hasty, and tend to step over some grammatical errors. Also, I can sometimes be pissy and want to so badly argue my point that I will not surrender, even when I know that I might be wrong. Not to mention that I am hopelessly bent against anything I dislike.

I'm Christian, and though I will respect you for what you are, any anti-Christian stories will throw me into fits of Bible-belting. Don't make me do it. I will. I mean it.

[That means AGAINST Christianity, which I will not tolerate. If you are a non-Christian and you do not include Christianity in your stories then that is fine.]

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Romance is my tequila and angst is the maraschino cherry sitting on top of the cherry margarita that is my life in the fan fiction world. I especially enjoy reading and writing fictions of yearning romance, when for one reason or another the two lovers are prevented from each other and spend chapters pining for the other. Also, jealousy is a very sexy theme to portray.

The stories that I can see beta-reading are Yu-Gi-Oh!, Naruto, One Piece, the Clique, Pokemon, and Fruits Basket but I reckon(damn Southerners, making me pick up their language) that I can do just about anything you put me up to.

Also, bad guys with good girls. I like bad guys with good girls.

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Yaoi, yuri, lemon, lime(whatever the hell that was). . . keep them all the hell away from me. Aside from that, I'll pretty much go for anything. Bring it on!

Lots O' Love, KittyLo!

[Also, just warning you, I give pet names. And your WILL be corny.]

Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » T
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Clique
Anime Naruto
Anime One Piece
Game Pokémon
Anime Yu-Gi-Oh
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for