Largely Inconsequential 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 10-18-06, id: 1151832
Author has written 2 stories | Death Note, and Walking Dead.
β : Largely Inconsequential is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
As a beta-reader; well, I'm usually easy-going and I like to help with just about anything. I'm pretty flexible, too, which helps- I don't care what pairing you use as long as it's well-written, and I'll do my best to help ensure that. My beta-reading style? Not sure I have one. Mostly I read it, and I like to mess with the copy given with me until I deem it error-free; from there, comparisons can be made by the author, and they can take or leave my advice, whatever they like. It's their work, after /br /

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My only expectations of authors that would like me to be a beta for them would be to (obviously) provide me with a copy of their work, and allow me to mess around with it, make whatever subtle changes I think could help improve the flow, clarity, and coherency of the work in question. From there, it's completely non-linear, and as I stated before, you can take or leave my suggestions; However, if you have a mood or atmosphere that I don't recognize at first, please let me know so that it's easier on me. /br /

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My only other request is that I am given an outside way to communicate with you: skype, email, steam, just something that we can IM through, simply because I require (sometimes) a little reminder that what we're working on exists. I tend to do a lot of things and sometimes things get 'forgotten' about until way later.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
My strengths are more along the lines of grammar, syntax, and detail. I'm a slight perfectionist when it comes to these three points. But, I also think of myself as adequate with vocabulary. It is important- after all, saying "Red" every time you mention a blood-stain can be pretty annoying, and more than a lot dull for the readers. I consider myself decent at mimicking a given style.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Huh. Well, my real weakness is remembering things. If someone asks me to do something like read a fic, I'll usually start right away. But if I can't finish it in one sitting, I'll need reminders or I may forget about it to the point that people get very annoyed. I'm trying my best to work on it, but hey, I'm human. No one is perfect!
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
My preferred type of stories are the ones I'm more familiar with- I mostly know books, along with a few anime/manga, a few cartoons, a few shows, and some games. Out of these categories, I really don't have much of a preference; I'll do anything from bloody murder to a romance that's so sickly sweet it's disgusting.
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Hmm. Any stories that aren't my cup of tea? Probably not, unless there's no plot or a lot of plotholes, which I will be sure to try to correct; I can deal with most things. Please, spare me the fictions with a character turning around and seducing their arch-enemy for no reason but to amuse the writer through means that are impossible, where someone falls in love with a rock, and/or where someone is somehow brought back to life because another person yelled "LIVE DAMNIT"... Unless it's really dang funny.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Acorna series
Cartoon Aeon Flux
Movie Aeon Flux
Movie Aladdin
Book Animorphs
Movie Avatar
Cartoon Avatar: Last Airbender
Anime Chobits
Book Chronicles of Narnia
Cartoon Class of the Titans
Cartoon Code Lyoko
Anime Death Note
Anime Digimon
Movie Fantastic 4
Anime Fruits Basket
Anime Fullmetal Alchemist
Book Immortals, Tamora Pierce
Book Inkheart
Movie Land Before Time
Book Memoirs of a Geisha
Movie Mulan
Anime Naruto
Movie Peter Pan
Movie Pirates of the Caribbean
Movie Planet of the Apes
Movie Princess Diaries
Anime Princess Mononoke
Cartoon Storm Hawks
Tv Walking Dead
Movie X-Men: The Movie
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for