Elizabeth.M.Kelli 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 04-01-06, id: 1019291
Author has written 14 stories | Sailor Moon, Song of the Lioness, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Harry Potter, and Doctor Who.
β : Elizabeth.M.Kelli is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I enjoy stories which have a basic outline of plot, but the details get filled in later, as I like suggesting things and guessing at what the writer is planning to do next. I don't really change the writing style of a writer when I edit, I instead simply make it grammatically correct, which is what should be done. Sentences which are confusing, but technically correct will be pointed out, and a suggestion made at how it could be rephrased, but I wouldn't say they actually change it.

I'm looking for something to beta read, and I'm pretty open about most ideas. There are very few stories I'll refuse to read (basically poems and songfics), and I acctually adore crossovers, so if you have one of those please, please ask me to beta read. I think crossovers are a greater extension than can be made in many cases with a plain fanfiction, and they keep me occupied speculating longer.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I'm best at finding convoluted sentences and making sense of them, and suggesting several different ways of rephrasing dependant on the meaning of the sentence for the story. I'm also fairly good at finding what are simply typing mistakes, like a left out letter or a misspelled word. I think I'm also very good at finding bits of plot which aren't answered properly, or that might confuse. I also happen to know a few line breaks which acctually work...
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm not amazing at finding sentences which are classified as run-ons or fragments, because while they are grammatically incorrect, I'm not worried about them as a writer, because they are acceptable according to artistic liscense. I'm also not perfect when it comes to finding something which isn't correct according to cannon (except in Harry Potter, in Harry Potter I can fix any mistake you make with a character or years or anything). I'm also not very good at pointing out things which aren't scientifically correct, I'm a writer, not a scientist.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Genres I'll read are romances or stories about friendships and other such relationships are always very nice, although I do particularily enjoy mysteries as well. But I'm mostly looking for Harry Potter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Doctor Who (and it's spin-off series) or crossovers of two or all three of those groups. I also like stories which are eventually going to be fairly long, at least 10,000 words overall. Any rating is acceptable although I do really prefer T, or M. Although I speak a little German and a little French, I'm only beta-ing for English stories, because I'm not fluent in the other two. I'm acctually very fond of original characters. I think if they're well written they add a lot to a story's potential. I'm also very fond of original characters who happen to take over the story a bit, I think that they can be very very good. Several of my favorite stories are ones like this (and truthfully several of my stories are as well).
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
I really don't want to beta-read any stories for a fandom not listed in my preferred, althuogh there are a few other fandoms I'm willing to beta-read for, a quick message and I can get you a yes or no as to whether I'll beta-read a story. Also, I'm not big on horror or suspense. There are a few I'll read, but generally they make me queasy, I do not have a particularily strong stomach, and I prefer not to test it.
Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Tv Doctor Who
Book Harry Potter
Anime Mixed Vegetables/ミックスベジタブル
Anime S.A
Anime Sailor Moon
Anime Skip Beat!
Tv Stargate: Atlantis
Tv Stargate: SG-1
Tv Torchwood
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for